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Should I buy an Atari 5200?

Nutsy Doodleheimer

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Hello everyone. I own several Atari 2600's and a 7800. All in mint condition and happy to have in my game room. I have come to a pondering thought of owning an Atari 5200. I've went to youtube and looked at Metal Jesus's video and Mark from classic game room. And they said it's a system that you should own if you are serious about it, or grew up with one in the past and relive the 80's. I obviously know the controllers have many issues of falling apart. And wico makes a great aftermarket. Also for the console. Are they reliable? I heard the proprietary switchbox on the 4 controller port models crap out. And some games aren't compatible with the 2 controller port. I'm seriously thinking of testing the 5200 waters please give me any advice or help, Thanks!

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Welcome to AtariAge!


The 5200 is a great system, but because it's based on the same technology as Atari's 8-bit computer series, converted versions of the 5200 games can also be played on the computers, if it's the games that you're interested in. I wrote the following posts in other threads; they discuss my own experiences with the 5200, and consider the question of whether an Atari 5200 or an Atari XEGS (the latest of Atari's 8-bit computers) would be a better investment:


The 5200 was the very last of the Atari systems that I acquired. I ignored it for years because I figured that I could always play the games on the Atari 8-bit computers instead, and that satisfied me for a long time. I finally broke down and got a pristine four-port "asterisk" unit from another AA member a year or two ago. The "barriers to entry" were significant, more so than any other system I've owned: before I could really enjoy the 5200, I had to install an A/V mod and a power mod to get rid of that funky RF box, I had to get a set of refurbished joysticks from Best Electronics, and I had to get an Ultimate SD cartridge from AtariMax. Nevertheless, I'm glad I finally did it. However flawed their execution, it's clear that Atari put significant effort into making the 5200 as "luxurious" as they could. The system just has style, of a kind that we never saw again in quite the same way in any of the post-crash systems.
I own [the 5200 and the XEGS], but as much as I like the 5200, I'd say that it's probably not worth it to get both. Most 5200 exclusives have long since been ported over to the 8-bit computers, so unless you're really passionate about those few games which would work better with the 5200's analog controls, I think you'd be better off collecting the 5200 conversions and enjoying them on your XEGS.


This advice also applies to the other systems in the Atari 8-bit computer series besides the XEGS: the original 800, the 800XL, the 130XE, etc. Most of these systems can run the exact same software, including most of the 5200 game library (via the conversions I mentioned earlier). As a rule, they're also cheaper to acquire, they offer many more controller choices, and they tend to require much less maintenance.

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I never had one growing up but my friend got one I played when I was around 9 . Played games like qix, miner 2049er, h.e.r.o. amongst others and I loved them . So probably back in 2006 or 2007 when I saw that Adventure 2 homebrew was coming out for it I had to buy one . Just watch lots of youtube videos and decide . You can get a good working stock controller granted you have to get used to the funny feeling non self centering stick on it . And if your a fan of Tempest then you may want to pick one up .

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Get an Atari 8-bit computer (just the keyboard) and use all your existing 2600 controllers. It's cheaper. With an SD-card reader (disk drive substitute) or SIO2PC device (uses your PC as a disk drive substitute/file server) you have a world of "free" games at your disposal. You can get a common A8 computer and SIO2PC quite reasonably. As mentioned, most of the 5200 games are already converted, but you need some way to feed the game files into your machine (SD-card device or SIO2PC). You also get composite output, but would need a common cable.


A pair of "fixed" (reconditioned with new upgraded parts) 5200 controllers costs $107.60 (outright, shipped) from Best Electronics. Then add the cost of a good/working 5200 and games to that. Atari 800XL and SIO2PC could be had for less than that, then use your 2600 controllers.


Mileage may vary. If you're hardcore and don't mind opening your wallet, go for the 5200.

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Whereas, as a console fanatic, I would say get a 5200. If you're handy with opening up controllers, there are fixes around to keep your controllers in good shape. If not, buy one from Best Electronics for $50 and the problem is solved.

The arguments above are valid re: the games available for the XE, however, sometimes if you want a console you want a console. And I really enjoy my 5200, you very well may too.

As to the issues regarding the switchbox, just get a 2-port console, it doesn't have a switchbox. As to some games not working with 2-port 5200s, what is it, one game? Two? Pitfall maybe? I don't remember.

I've got a 2-port system, a working controller, and I'm happy as a clam. I particularly enjoy Moon Patrol, the Dreadnaught Factor, River Raid, Pac-Man, Space Invaders (my favorite version of the game on any system), Miner 2049er, Galaxian, Mario Bros and I've got a few conversions / Prototypes that I love to pieces too. Donkey Kong Jr, Millipede, Jr Pac-Man, Super Pac-Man, and Xevious. I also revel in the fact that the system is simply HUGE. It's like a Star Destroyer in console form. :)

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Whereas, as a console fanatic, I would say get a 5200. If you're handy with opening up controllers, there are fixes around to keep your controllers in good shape. If not, buy one from Best Electronics for $50 and the problem is solved.

The arguments above are valid re: the games available for the XE, however, sometimes if you want a console you want a console. And I really enjoy my 5200, you very well may too.

As to the issues regarding the switchbox, just get a 2-port console, it doesn't have a switchbox. As to some games not working with 2-port 5200s, what is it, one game? Two? Pitfall maybe? I don't remember.

I've got a 2-port system, a working controller, and I'm happy as a clam. I particularly enjoy Moon Patrol, the Dreadnaught Factor, River Raid, Pac-Man, Space Invaders (my favorite version of the game on any system), Miner 2049er, Galaxian, Mario Bros and I've got a few conversions / Prototypes that I love to pieces too. Donkey Kong Jr, Millipede, Jr Pac-Man, Super Pac-Man, and Xevious. I also revel in the fact that the system is simply HUGE. It's like a Star Destroyer in console form. :)

Thank you very much for the advice! I just got myself a 5200 on ebay this morning. It's in pristine condition. It's the 1984 2 controller port model. The 2 games that are not compatible with that version are. Pitfall and Mountain King. It has 6 games with it, and I'll buy some more on atari2600.com. The controllers are in excellent shape (knock on wood lol). I will get a wico aftermarket one. Thsnk you very much on all the help and advice! I'm into console collecting. I'd rather have that than the computer. I have a big game room. And I made a spot and a new home for it. I can't wait for the beast to arrive!:)

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Thank you very much for the advice! I just got myself a 5200 on ebay this morning. It's in pristine condition. It's the 1984 2 controller port model. The 2 games that are not compatible with that version are. Pitfall and Mountain King. It has 6 games with it, and I'll buy some more on atari2600.com. The controllers are in excellent shape (knock on wood lol). I will get a wico aftermarket one. Thsnk you very much on all the help and advice! I'm into console collecting. I'd rather have that than the computer. I have a big game room. And I made a spot and a new home for it. I can't wait for the beast to arrive! :)

Congrat's...my main system is a 7800, but I picked up a 5200 a few weeks ago and glad that I did. I also picked up the Atarimax SD mulit-cart which makes it easy to play the games ported over from 8-bit systems. My main motivation was to be able to review 5200 games for my blog, but I also find myself enjoying the 5200 as a game system!
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I saw you mentioned my video. That's very flattering.


The Atari 5200 is a really interesting beast. I like the console...and get frustrated with it too. It can be super fun to find a new game you don't own in the wild (and often cheaply), but then get it home and have the joysticks flake out on you or the joystick port doesn't work. Basically you need to ask yourself: how much patience do you have? It's a pretty neat piece of Atari history and the games are certainly fun... but the console & controllers are easily broken.


I would say, do what I did: Wait until somebody sells a 5200 lot for cheap on Craigslist or Ebay and snag it that way. I bought a 2 x 5200 consoles, a 7800 console & 35 games for $70. That seemed like a good deal and worth the risk.

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All the little difficulties with the 5200 are fixable, it just depends on how much patience you have as was mentioned before. My 5200 fires up the first time every time (except on Activision carts) and the controllers work well. Best's joysticks do cost a lot, but they seem like a turn key solution to a decades old problem. I rebuilt my own joysticks out of tinfoil, glue, and electronic scrap.

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I saw you mentioned my video. That's very flattering.


The Atari 5200 is a really interesting beast. I like the console...and get frustrated with it too. It can be super fun to find a new game you don't own in the wild (and often cheaply), but then get it home and have the joysticks flake out on you or the joystick port doesn't work. Basically you need to ask yourself: how much patience do you have? It's a pretty neat piece of Atari history and the games are certainly fun... but the console & controllers are easily broken.


I would say, do what I did: Wait until somebody sells a 5200 lot for cheap on Craigslist or Ebay and snag it that way. I bought a 2 x 5200 consoles, a 7800 console & 35 games for $70. That seemed like a good deal and worth the risk.


I just have to chime in here and correct your question, MJ. As I basically have _no_ patience or fix-em-up skills beyond being able to open a joystick with a screwdriver, clean stuff with a q-tip and isopropyl, and _possibly_ put it back together right. And I love the 5200.

Rather than asking yourself "how much patience do I have?", the question ought to be "Is it worth $50 on top of the cost of the console and games??". For a lifetime guaranteed controller, mind. For some, no, that's a waste for such a thing.

For a lot of us, for a very special piece of Atari history, with arguably some of the best games of the 8-bit era (and almost inarguably the best sound effects of the Atari systems), it's a very easy yes.

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while you can play mostly all of the 5200 library on an A8, the best part of the 5200 is the system itself, from the giant box and "unique" controllers, it screams 1982 and has a certain charm and maybe mystique to it. While it may not be my most played system, it is the one I am most pleased with acquiring.

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i have a system review on my channel. I did NOT grow up with it, and actually trashed the system when i didn't own it. now that i own it, it's my favorite classic system.


I don't understand this. Why did you loathe the 5200 so much but no you love it. Did you own a particularly faulty/non-working model early on and then buy better-functioning hardware?

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