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No sound with 5200 system

sensato kuro

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I've got a 5200 system with no sound here.


After reading the following post: http://www.atariage....-5200-no-sound/


I tried swapping the pokey chip as well as both 820pF polystirene caps (with another system which is fully working)... still no sound.


Any clue what I should check next? I'm thinking about chekcing/replacing the pokey chip socket...


I've checked the schematics (http://www.atariage...._5200_High.html) but I'm don't know what to do next.


Thanks in advance!

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Not sure if this will help you are not, but I also had a 5200 with no sound. Rather than fiddle with resistors and caps and what not, I installed an a/v mod made by AtariAge member low_budget. As it turns out, the a/v mod bypasses the on-board sound circuit, so after I installed the mod board, I had sound. However, without knowing exactly what is causing your problem, this is not guaranteed to fix your problem. Might be worth a shot to PM low_budget for advice.

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