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Got a vader that won't work


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Long story short, I bought a atari 2600 vader off ebay for $10. It said untested and turns out it doesn't work (which I sort of expected) The actual case is in beautiful shape so I figured if this was the case I could fix it up or just replace the insides completely as a little project. Is there any place online to buy one at a reasonable price thats totally intact and working (motherboard ready to go that is)? I don't seem to see anything on ebay. Basically it boots to a blank black screen. Some games, like q-bert I can see the game flash up for a split second and then reverts back to black. I tried cleaning the cartridge slot as well as wiggling things around and checking for damage but couldn't really find anything obvious. I also have a four switch woody and a jr that I tested a different power supply and video cable from but no dice. Thanks!

Edited by 8_bit_jeremy
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Sounds like the RIOT isn't working. You might look at that screen a little closer. Usually when I have a console with a bad RIOT, there's a thin blue line on one side and a thin orange line on the other. Both lines run all the way from top to bottom of the screen. We know the power cable and RF cables are good because we're at least getting some output to the screen.


The chip in question is located underneath the RF shield in both the 4 switch woody and the Vader. I'd try swapping the RIOT chips from console to console and see if the problem travels with one of the chips. If it does, the RIOT itself is an Atari 6532 IC. Several folks on here have them, so does Best Electronics. A RIOT chip should run you well under $10, even with shipping figured in.

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I forgot to mention this earlier. It's definitely putting out something, though, otherwise he'd have snow instead of a black screen.


He mentioned,


'Some games, like q-bert I can see the game flash up for a split second and then reverts back to black.'


I had the same symptom going on with my old VCS, And it was the regulator. Only out-putting 2.2 V DC. Swaped it out,,, Just like new!:)

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The RIOT chip can be ruled out, as I swapped it out with my 4 switch woody. Accidently bent a pin on the woody one and it snapped off when I bent it back so I left the one from the vader in it.


So yeah oops, So I'm thinking I'll have to get another one of those as well as getting a regulator and see if those two things will fix it.

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Actually i can probably fix the RIOT chip with a little soldering


Thinking I will try the regulator.........would this one work?



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That's the one. The one on the board should have continuity between one of the leads and ground. Of the other two leads you'll have around 5 volts DC on one and the other will have a value slightly higher than your power supply's rated voltage. Your power supply should be 9 volts.


BTW, have you got an Atari brand power supply?

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