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Controllers only go up and left


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Ports 1 and 2 allow up and left movement only. I haven't tried 3 and 4. The cartridge and controllers all work fine on a different console, so that rules them out.

I tried moving the adjustment pot in the console and that had no effect at all. The only other thing I can think of is that the pokey chip has gone bad.


So far the only cart I've tried is Frogger, but 'm going to go in there and try to boot up some others. I have the housing off the 5200 so it's kinda hard to get Atari brand carts in there.


EDIT: Kaboom! only allows movement across a third of the screen. Missile Command works OK but seems very sensitive. Miner does the same thing Frogger did. I wasn't gonna risk Miner on an essentially untested console, but it's a game I could get to fit easily and I am super familiar with.

Edited by shadow460
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