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Touhou 2600 (Prototype/WIP)


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This is nowhere near done, despite the fact I now have functional title/game over loops, so far I only have Reimu for a player, a ghost for an enemy and one difficulty setting. I'm definitely adding more to this; utilize the playfield for the title screen so as to allow the use of player 0 and 1 sprites for game program selection (I plan on 4 difficulty settings with solo and co-op modes for each, and maybe a duel mode). I will have to ask if some things are possible under batariBASIC, such as the possibility to use the multisprite kernel for co-operative play, using the difficulty rocker switches to change the player sprite and behavior on both sides, etc., but with some stroke of cleverness and planning I may be able to get these in smoothly.


Anyway, I put it on github to allow for dynamic updates AND online source code viewing. To download the game, just click touhou.bas.bin, view RAW and save it.


Edited by Udonge
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  • 3 years later...

This seems to just play like Tinkernut World rather than a danmaku game... Though speaking of Atari Touhou, have you heard of my Touhou 2600 series? This is a video of an early version of my Devil 2600 (though in the actual earliest version, the last attack had no homing bullets - that was a later addition after people insisted that I keep the boss at the top portion of the screen)

They're Game Maker games that were made to (initially) be like Atari 2600 danmaku games (the music here supposes a radio in the background), but as more people wanted more modern-sounding music, I started to replace the later ones with modern music.



Edited by Tangentg
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I'm interested to see a 2600 bullet hell game. It's very possible using the 10 sprites of the multisprite kernel or DPC+, and NUSIZ can make 1 or 2 extra copies of sprites paired with 2 missiles and a ball. With one player and one enemy, thats a maximum of 27 possible bullets on a screen at a time. Good luck!

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I'm interested to see a 2600 bullet hell game. It's very possible using the 10 sprites of the multisprite kernel or DPC+, and NUSIZ can make 1 or 2 extra copies of sprites paired with 2 missiles and a ball. With one player and one enemy, thats a maximum of 27 possible bullets on a screen at a time. Good luck!


Since the DPC+ kernel has scrolling and playfield rows that can be as thin as you want, you could shoot a ton of playfield pixel bullets and leave the sprites for enemies and other things.

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If one has any doubts about the 2600's ability to do a bullet-hell shoot-em-up, I would refer you to the "River Rampage" demo Erik Mooney posted to the old Stella mailing list. http://www.biglist.com/lists/stella/archives/200404/msg00219.html





Since this is in the batari BASIC section the question is: who is going to port that graphic kernel to batari BASIC so we can do it :)


All snark aside I think bullet hell can be done using the playfield as bullets. Maybe with creative resizing of the playfield to make some rows look thinner for that laser blast look.

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