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eprom programmer


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hello all,

I have been reading the topics on eprom programmers. Being someone who does not know much about pcs i was wondering if you can help

i was looking on ebay and saw the following products a genius g540 and g840. i have a dell with windows xp. how difficult is it to burn eproms from the games i have on my pc? and where can i get the atari chips and what type of eproms do i need. i would love to learn to program eproms so i can play the homebrew games i got on AA. thank you all have a great night..



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If your goal is just playing the homebrew games on real hardware, then consider the Harmony Cartridge. Easier (you just copy all the roms you have on a SD card and insert it in the Harmony) and much cheaper, because if you want to build 2600 carts you will need also an eprom eraser, the eprom chips, boards (you can reuse old ones, but you have to desolder the old rom chip and modify them by cutting and rewiring some of the traces, adding an inverter chip, etc.) If the game is bigger than 4 Kbytes, and/or it uses additional ram things complicates further.


If you like tinkering with old electronics then go for the eprom programmer route, it's a fun and satisfying experience to build your own carts, but if you only want to play the games on your console then the Harmony is the way to go.

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The cart already has the latest firmware installed and you really only need the sd card and a card reader to start playing. Note that the Harmony doesn't work as a card reader: the usb cable is only used to upgrade the firmware or to program the cart in single game mode (useful if you are programming a new game, because it allows to quickly test changes to the code). Check the Harmony Cart subForum for more info.

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