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fbForth—TI Forth with File-based Block I/O [Post #1 UPDATED: 06/05/2024]

Lee Stewart

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WooHoo! :grin: 80-column mode is working! Here is my simple-minded code to do it:


HEX 0470 VARIABLE TXT8 03E8 , 0106 , 004F , 8800 , 0000 , 9410 , 0000 ,
: TEXT80 
     70 83D4 C!
     00 SCRN_START !
     50 SCRN_WIDTH !
    780 SCRN_END !
    135E PABS !
    780 836E !
      0 VDPMDE !
    CLS 0 0 GOTOXY


It's 134 bytes, but it works! :-o I've made VDPMDE = 0 for 80-column text. That way I can manage to keep pretty much every other thing the way folks familiar with TI Forth would expect it.


I think I will include it in the system block (#30) that defines TEXT (40-column text mode).


And now—On to modifying the 40-column editor to include 80-column mode!




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While modifying the original TI Forth 40-column editor to make it also work in 80-column mode on the F18A, I'm finding programming errors I didn't expect! My latest error discoveries are in TAB and -TAB . Both words leave stack debris! Depending on where in the block the cursor happens to be, one or two numbers get left on the stack for every use of each word. There is an additional error in TAB ,viz., the 16-bit value at the cursor address is read—it should be an 8-bit value. It's as though the original programmers were expecting to use those values, abandoned the idea and forgot to remove the offending code. Oh, well—I'm learning a lot in the process.


Hopefully, I will have fbForth's new(?) 40/80-column editor working today or tomorrow!



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I'm having a little trouble tracking down the bugs I have introduced to the 40/80-column editor. It's likely something I've done; but, I did notice that, when I use it in 80-column mode, exiting it leaves things in a strange state. The TIB (I'm guessing) seems to have one or more characters that screw up the very next entry from the console— IN should be 0, but I'll check. After hitting <enter>, the first time, things seem to be normal except that the Pattern Descriptor Table seems to have taken a hit. Something obviously wrote to it because some letters (not always the same) have pattern changes. These seem to be only lowercase letters, so perhaps the random writing is to somewhere above fbForth's record buffer, where I'm storing the lowercase patterns.


Because, at least, some of the problems appear related only to 80-column mode, I need to understand the F18A VDP register settings I lifted from @Willsy's TurboForth code. I believe I understand VR00–VR07; but, I'm at a loss concerning VR08–VR14 (see settings below), only one (VR10) of which @matthew180 documents—and, I don't see how that one concerns 80-column-text mode. @Willsy? @matthew180?


Settings for VR08–VR14 from TurboForth:

    VR  Value
    --  -----
    08   88h
    09   00h
    10   00h
    11   00h
    12   94h
    13   10h
    14   00h



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Hi Lee


They are documented in the v9938 user manual which can be downloaded from the whtech ftp site IIRC. If you can't find it then let me know and I'll get it to you.




Thanks. Hopefully, the 9938 can handle VR00–VR07 being the same as the 9918A and the F18A. I have tracked (sort of) the trashing of my lowercase storage table to merely switching between TEXT (40 column)and TEXT80 and it appears to be random. Something is stepping on the memory around 1250h in VRAM and I can't figure it out. I may have to forget 80-column mode for awhile. My head hurts!



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Are vdp interrupts enabled by any chance? Is Not corruption of the vdp address on the vdp address register is it? That one has bitten me on the ass a few times!


That might be it! Do I need to disable them while I change other VDP registers and enable only after that?



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That might be it! Do I need to disable them while I change other VDP registers and enable only after that?




I can't figure this out. Could it be possible that I'm outrunning the VDP reads and/or writes? Do I need to worry about putting no-ops between VDP accesses or ensuring another statement interleaves VDP access? I have a couple of places where I'm moving blocks of memory from one place in VRAM to another. Any ideas? @Tursi? @Willsy? @matthew180? @InsaneMultitasker? Anybody?



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Very unlikely imo. From what i remember from tests that Tursi and others have executed it's pretty much impossible to overrun the VDP chip. *maybe* an unrolled loop using indirect register addressing in PAD ram but otherwise I think you'd struggle.


However, if VDP interrupts were enabled while your loop was moving data from one location in VDP to another then you will definitely encounter problems. They'll appear random in nature (ass to the locations in vdp that get corrupted) because it depends what state the vdp address register was in when the interrupt was loaded.


I assume interrupts are enabled most of the time in fbForth/TI forth since that's how the multi-tasking works? Or does it use PAUSE and not use interrupts at all? If the latter then all the above was a waste of your time! Sorry!

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However, if VDP interrupts were enabled ... .


I assume interrupts are enabled most of the time in fbForth/TI forth ... .


You don't really mean I should disable VDP interrupts (fbForth: bit 2 = 0 in VR01), do you?


Yes, CPU interrupts are enabled most of the time in fbForth/TI Forth. I think I know where the problem lies. All of the system calls (including VRAM transfers) in fbForth/TI Forth execute a "LIMI 0" before branching to the requested routine and "LIMI 2" just before returning to caller. I defined my VMOVE word (copies VRAM to VRAM) in the resident dictionary and neglected to manage CPU interrupts! :dunce: I probably should make VMOVE a system call; but, that'll remove ~60 bytes of return stack space, which is already 642 bytes—down from TI Forth's 806 bytes.


I'll let you know in a little while if LIMI 0/2 fixes it. Thanks again for the help.



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... I'll let you know in a little while if LIMI 0/2 fixes it. Thanks again for the help.




Bingo! :-o


And—Now, on to debugging the 80-column part of the 40/80-column editor without that distraction! I have this bad habit of changing too many things at once before thoroughly testing them—then I have a devil of a time finding the bugs! :roll: You'd think after 50 years in computer programming I'd have developed better programming habits! Oh, well...



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WooHoo! 8) I think I just may have done it! It appears that just one misplaced DROP was wreaking havoc on my 80-column variation of the old TI Forth 40-column editor. It's a bit convoluted; but, it now appears to be working in both 40-column and 80-column modes with repeating characters. I will probably post fbForth 0.93 (I'm close to calling it v1.0!!) sometime tomorrow. I'd like to work through some more of the FBLOCKS system blocks to insure they are working OK with fbForth before posting; but, with the 40/80-column editor nearly clean, I think I will post it anyway. I probably won't have the manual completed by Faire time, however; but, I'll work on it.



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While further testing 80-column text mode (TEXT80), I discovered a few words that need fixing to work properly in 80-column mode. There are probably others; but, I'm just going to fix these before I package up fbForth 0.93 tomorrow.


The first of these words is VLIST , which lists the words in the dictionary. It works fine in TEXT80, but only lists half a screen's width. It turns out VLIST is using a hard number instead of SCRN_WIDTH to figure out how many words to display on a line! It is now fixed.


Also, the floating point package invokes some GPL routines that use the "VDP Rollout Area" from 3C0h–3DFh (in the middle of the TEXT80 screen!), which cannot be moved. :mad: I was aware that the transcendental functions used that area, but had forgotten that the number-to-string routine does, as well. I have written save/restore functions to manage these 32 bytes and will include them in the package tomorrow.



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OK...I defined the following helper words for saving and restoring the 32-byte VDP Rollout Area:


: >ROA 3C0 ROA 20 VMBR ;  ( save ROA to array)
: ROA> ROA 3C0 20 VMBW ;  ( restore ROA from array) 


Maybe there are better names than ROA , >ROA and ROA> because I plan to include them in the manual for general use. @Willsy? @Vorticon?


Here is my implementation for the number-to-string situation:


  FAC B + C@ 8300 + FAC C + C@ DUP PAD C!
  PAD 1+ SWAP CMOVE ;                     


Notice that I am not checking for TEXT80—just unconditionally copying. It causes a momentary blink of that area of the screen in TEXT80 that I don't think is worth the effort avoiding.


I'm not sure whether I should also include them similarly in all the transcendental words. Suggestions?



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Here 'tis! :grin: FBFORTH093.zip


I have not yet installed the latest build of MESS—so, would someone test it in 80-column-text mode (TEXT80) for me and let me know if it works alright? @Willsy? @Vorticon? @jacquesg? Anyone?


To get the display mode into TEXT80, you must first load block 30 ( 30 LOAD )—then type TEXT80 . TEXT will get it back to 40-column mode.



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just tested in MESS using EVPC (80 column card) and Geneve, same result for both in 80 column mode.


That's not good! :-o I will probably not get around to working on MESS until after the Faire. I presume this card uses the TMS9938 and I don't know enough about it, yet, to know whether it wants VRAM set up differently from the 9918A. I assumed the video registers VR00–VR07 have the same meaning with the exception of the reserved bits. It could be that I have VR08–VR15 improperly set; but, I used (see post #380 above) what @Willsy used for TurboForth except that I used my own settings for VR00–VR07:


   VR  Value
    --  -----
    00   04h
    01   F0h
    02   00h
    03   0Eh
    04   01h
    05   06h
    06   01h
    07   4Fh 


l also set up VRAM to use 0–780h for the screen image table. I moved a few other tables around; but, that really shouldn't matter.



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EVPC and Geneve both use v9938. The 80 column mode is the startup default for GeneveOS, which is working in the emulation.


The v9938 manual says that VR1 has a bit 0 at the leftmost position, so F0 is not a valid value. But this would mean an incompatibility between TMS9918 and v9938 which is not the case (I just verified: the reg 1 value is ANDed with 0x7b, so the MSB is cleared automatically).


Here are some settings from my Fractals program which has a text screen:


(high byte = reg number, low byte = reg value)

DATA >0004,>0170,>0203,>0347
DATA >0401,>0506,>0600,>0717
DATA >0888,>0A00
DATA >0C6A,>0E00

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EVPC and Geneve both use v9938. The 80 column mode is the startup default for GeneveOS, which is working in the emulation.


The v9938 manual says that VR1 has a bit 0 at the leftmost position, so F0 is not a valid value. But this would mean an incompatibility between TMS9918 and v9938 which is not the case (I just verified: the reg 1 value is ANDed with 0x7b, so the MSB is cleared automatically).


Here are some settings from my Fractals program which has a text screen:


(high byte = reg number, low byte = reg value)

DATA >0004,>0170,>0203,>0347

DATA >0401,>0506,>0600,>0717

DATA >0888,>0A00

DATA >0C6A,>0E00





Thanks. I'll check it out a little later. Right now, I here some oysters on the half shell calling my name!



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