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fbForth—TI Forth with File-based Block I/O [Post #1 UPDATED: 06/05/2024]

Lee Stewart

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I have coded BSAVE so I can hoist it into ROM. BSAVE saves a reloadable (with BLOAD ) binary image of a segment of the user-loaded part of the dictionary It had to be loaded from FBLOCKS before this change and took 170 bytes. I thought coding it in ALC would bloat it, but it's actually a few bytes shorter (including the split header) and not taking up precious bank 0 real estate. After I test and debug it, I think I'll release another beta.


After that, I will hoist the 40/80 column editor into ROM, followed by the file I/O library. If I can manage to avoid encroaching on ROM bank 3 with those, I will load the floating point math library into ROM bank 3. The only thing I am a little worried about is the number of words I will have in the resident dictionary by the time i am through with all of this. It will raise the time the outer interpreter takes to find words that are at the beginning of the dictionary because of its threaded nature. I'm up to about 370 words before I start on words in this paragraph.


One way I have figured I could alleviate this situation (if, indeed, it seems to be a problem) is to link certain sections of the dictionary into linkable/unlinkable segments by storing those links in low RAM. I can certainly test it first before I attempt this variable linking scenario. Any thoughts?



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Depends on how your FIND is coded. I've had >1000 words loaded (specifically to see if I could notice a slow-down). I couldn't. TF FIND is in assembler and is super fast - but TF dictionary format is really simple, it just walks the list looking for matching lengths. No real work to do. IIRC your dictionary format is more complex, is there some shifting and ORing required to read your dictionary? I can't remember the specifics now. It will probably be fine. Load up the dictionary with words and give it a try. I think I just loaded the same application over and over until I had > 1000 words defined.

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Depends on how your FIND is coded. I've had >1000 words loaded (specifically to see if I could notice a slow-down). I couldn't. TF FIND is in assembler and is super fast - but TF dictionary format is really simple, it just walks the list looking for matching lengths. No real work to do. IIRC your dictionary format is more complex, is there some shifting and ORing required to read your dictionary? I can't remember the specifics now. It will probably be fine. Load up the dictionary with words and give it a try. I think I just loaded the same application over and over until I had > 1000 words defined.


The actual work of searching the dictionary in fbForth is done by (FIND) , which is also in ALC; but, I suspect it does take a little longer than your FIND because it needs to mask off non-count bits in the length byte and the terminator bit in the last character of the name field. I'll take a peek at TurboForth's code for comparison. Here's the code for (FIND) if you care to have a look:




;[*** (FIND) ***        ( addr nfa --- false | pfa b true )     
*       String at addr should be padded with at least 1 blank at the end!!

*        DATA DIGI_N
*        DATA _PFIND->6000+BANK2  
*        DATA _PFIND          
*++ Above code from PFIND label is in bank 0

* This part is in bank 2 with headers to accommodate searching without bank-switching

_PFIND MOV  *SP,R1          ; nfa to R1
       JEQ  PFIND4          ; top of dictionary?
PFIND1 MOV  R1,R0           ; no; copy nfa to R0
       MOV  @2(SP),R3       ; str addr ptr to R3
       MOVB *R0+,W          ; copy nfa count byte to W; inc R0 to 1st char
       ANDI W,>3F00         ; mask out non-count bits
       CB   W,*R3+          ; compare char counts; inc R3 to 1st str char
       JNE  PFIND3          ; counts the same?
PFIND2 MOVB *R0+,W          ; yes; next nfa char to W, incrementing nfa
       JLT  PFIND5          ; char with terminator bit?
       CB   W,*R3+          ; no; compare chars, incrementing str
       JEQ  PFIND2          ; if =, compare next chars
PFIND3 MOV  @-2(R1),R1      ; not =; counts different; get prev word's nfa
       JNE  PFIND1          ; if not top of dictionary, try again
PFIND4 INCT SP              ; no match; top of dictionary; pop top of stack
       CLR  *SP             ; return false on top of stack
       JMP  PFINDX          ; return to inner interpreter
PFIND5 ANDI W,>7F00         ; mask out terminator bit from nfa char
       CB   W,*R3           ; last nfa char same as last str char?
*                             ...should match space at end of word with even count
       JNE  PFIND3          ; no; head out
       INCT R0              ; yes; increment R0 to pfa or pfa ptr

*  Change to accommodate headers not in bank 0 (pfa ptr in R0)
       BL   @GTCORP         ; check for ptr in ROM
PFIND6 MOV  R0,@2(SP)       ; leave pfa on stack at same position as addr
       CLR  *SP             ; clear top stack position
       MOVB *R1,@1(SP)      ; copy length byte to right byte of top of stack
       DECT SP              ; make room on stack for 3rd cell
       SETO *SP             ; put -1 on stack
       NEG  *SP             ; make it 1 (true)
PFINDX B    @RTNEXT         ; return to inner interpreter

;[*==== GTCORP ===============================================================
* Checks whether header is in ROM for cfa|pfa or cfa|pfa ptr.
*   Input:  R0 = putative cfa|pfa [may need to change this expectation]
*   Output: R0 = actual cfa|pfa
GTCORP CI   R0,DCTTOP       ; compare to top of headers in ROM
       JH   GCPXIT          ; >?  [possibly in ROM if <=]
       CI   R0,DCTBOT       ; no, compare to bottom of headers in ROM
       JL   GCPXIT          ; <?  [in low RAM if <]
       MOV  *R0,R0          ; no, get actual cfa|pfa from pointer
GCPXIT RT                   ; return to caller





Edited by Lee Stewart
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Looks very similar. Here's TF's FIND loop (the part that walks the list looking for a matching length). Note that it also has some masking to do.


vfind   data $+2                    ; vectored find        mov *stack+,r6              ; pop length to r6        mov @latest,r7              ; get address of last dictionary entryfndnxt  mov @2(r7),r8               ; length of dictionary entry        andi r8,>400f               ; mask out immediate bit and block numbers        c r8,r6                     ; are they the same length?        jeq lmatch                  ; jump if yesfind1   mov *r7,r7                  ; point to next dictionary entry        jeq nomatch                 ; if 0 then no match. end of dictionary.        jmp fndnxt                  ; else check the next entry

It's very fast. I'll think you'll be fine in fbForth :-)

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And, now on to hoisting the 40/80 column editor into ROM space! :cool: After that, however, I need to work out how to allow folks to load the 64-column editor. At the moment, they are mutually exclusive. I guess I could change the CLOAD condition to look for a word unique to the 64-column editor rather than one shared by both. Actually, there are only 3 words that would invoke the irritating "isn't unique" messages, because each editor is currently loaded into a different editor vocabulary (EDITOR1 and EDITOR2). This may be the perfect place to work out the linking/unlinking scenario I contemplated somewhere above. H-m-m-m—I have work to do. :ponder:



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I have been quietly following the development of FbForth (since I have absolutely nothing to contribute here unfortunately), and I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed by the quality of the work being done. This is going to be a killer package. :thumbsup:

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I have been quietly following the development of FbForth (since I have absolutely nothing to contribute here unfortunately), and I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed by the quality of the work being done. This is going to be a killer package. :thumbsup:


Thanks for your encouragement, Walid! Actually, you have contributed in the past and I would like you (and anyone else, for that matter) to offer your opinion on what I did with the 64-column editor (64ED) because you are one of the few I know who has actually used it. A few posts back, I mentioned changing the exit from the 64ED to pop you into the mode you left when invoking it rather than simply exiting to the text window of SPLIT mode. At that point, you were usually screwed unless you had had the foresight to load other graphic modes before entering the 64ED. With fbForth 2.0 it is now easy enough to simply invoke whatever mode you want at that point; but, with my change, you don't have to. Though it tells you what block # you were just editing, you now can no longer see it. I want to know what you think is the better exit procedure—or, suggest a different one!




EDIT: I was wrong about the crossed-out section. :dunce:

Edited by Lee Stewart
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SInce we now have the ability to invoke any mode we want, we can leave that to the user. My personal preference when using SPLIT mode would be to return to that mode because it allows me to test high res routines on the fly (one of the things I love about that mode) for debugging purposes. As long as I can invoke any other mode from there I should be fine. It's no secret that I love working with the bitmap mode on the TI, so I am a little skewed here :)

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SInce we now have the ability to invoke any mode we want, we can leave that to the user. My personal preference when using SPLIT mode would be to return to that mode because it allows me to test high res routines on the fly (one of the things I love about that mode) for debugging purposes. As long as I can invoke any other mode from there I should be fine. It's no secret that I love working with the bitmap mode on the TI, so I am a little skewed here :)


I'm inclined to agree. It is easy enough to clear the screen for bitmap testing after exiting the 64ED by simply re-invoking SPLIT or, for even more bitmap real estate, SPLIT2 .


I think I will change it back for the next go-round. In the meantime, you could delete or comment-out " SVMD @ VMODE " from line 9 of block 12.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it's taking me so long with the 40/80-column editor conversion. Other stuff is getting in the way; but, the editor is written in Forth and is pretty convoluted (very un-Forth-like :-o ). I am trying to deconvolve it some, but it's pretty rough translating/converting most of it to ALC! I am also incorporating a few bits of code from @Willsy's TurboForth editor (he did give me permission |:) ), especially the editing box graphics. I may add keystroke help at the bottom of the screen in much the same way @Willsy did in TF. It's getting there—but, still some days away.



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I'm working on it. . .I put in the first bid. ;)


Well, then—I'll not fight you on it. If you get it, we can talk at The Faire. OMG, that's not even 4 months away! I'd better get cracking on finishing up the fbForth 2.0 cartridge for a possible demo!! :-o



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