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fbForth—TI Forth with File-based Block I/O [Post #1 UPDATED: 06/05/2024]

Lee Stewart

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I thought I did have the FDR in there... oh well, I have saved your report off and will take a look at that. Serves me right for not testing against real hardware. I assume you mean from disk images? (I spent a lot more time on disk folders since I don't like images ;) ).


I looked up the code for you on Thierry's site, and sure enough the TI disk controller does a hard-coded DECT on the total size of the disk. :) heh.


A59D4  AI   5,>00FF           disk info: point to data buffer area in ctrl block
       BL   @A4658            call subroutine
       DATA A4D4E             read sector 0
       BL   @A4B70            get 2 bytes from FDR into R0
       DATA >010A             # of sectors on disk
       MOV  0,6               duplicate it
       DECT 6                 minus directory itself (sect 0 + 1)
I just watched the FBForth demo on the Chicago demo - nice work! :)
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Sorry about the delay in posting the updated manual for fbForth 2.0. I had a slight change of plans. I think I am going to add the words @Willsy needed to define for the String Library he ported to fbForth ( 2DUP NIP CELLS -ROT PICK WITHIN <> $. EXIT ) to the FBLOCKS menu and to the manual because most of them are very useful. I think I will also add three additional words to the same block for balance. They are 2DROP , TUCK and ROLL . Later today I will post their definitions and explain what they do.



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OK—here are explanations of the words mentioned in my last post as well as their definitions:

2DUP  ( a b -- a b a b )   Duplicate the top two numbers on the stack.
    : 2DUP   OVER OVER ;  
2DROP  ( a b -- )   Drop the top two numbers from the stack.
    : 2DROP   DROP DROP ;  
NIP  ( a b -- b )   Remove from the stack the number that is under the top number.
    : NIP   SWAP DROP ;
TUCK  ( a b -- b a b )   Put a copy of the top number under the top two numbers on the stack.
    : TUCK   SWAP OVER ;  
CELLS  ( n -- 2n )   Replace n (a number of cells) with 2n (the number of bytes in n cells).
    : CELLS   2 * ;
-ROT ( a b c -- c a b )   Rotate right the top three numbers on the stack, resulting in the top number on the bottom.
    : -ROT   ROT ROT ;
PICK  ( n -- [n])   Copy to the top of the stack the nth number down.  (The 0th number is the top number.)
    0 PICK is the same as DUP.
    1 PICK is the same as OVER.
        : PICK   1+ CELLS SP@ + @ ;
The source for ROLL was Marshall Linker via George Smyth’s Forth Forum.
ROLL  ( [n]..[0] n -- [n-1]..[0][n] )   Rotate left the top n+1 numbers on the stack, resulting in the nth number down on top.
    0 ROLL is a null operation.
    1 ROLL is the same as SWAP.
    2 ROLL is the same as ROT.
        : ROLL
                1-  SWAP  >R  MYSELF  R>  SWAP  
            THEN  ; 
WITHIN ( n low high -- true|false )   Leave true (1) if low ≤ n < high and false (0) otherwise.
    : WITHIN   OVER - >R - R> U< ;
<>  ( a b -- 1|0 )   Leave true (1) if a ≠ b and false (0) otherwise.
    : <>   = 0= ;   
$.  ( n -- )   Display the top number on the stack as an unsigned hexadecimal number.
    : $. BASE->R HEX U. R->BASE ;
EXIT  ( -- )   EXIT is a synonym for ;S .  End the current word’s execution and return to the calling procedure or stop interpretation of a Forth block.


Edited by Lee Stewart
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While looking for a particular one of George Smyth’s “Forth Forum” columns, I rediscovered this edition of Dave Ramsey’s column, “Under the Hood,” from the November, 1984 issue of MANNERS Newsletter:




It discusses what Dave calls a “bug” in the CRU words of TI Forth (and by extension, fbForth). He doesn’t like the fact that the TI Forth authors used the term “CRU address” to mean the actual CRU bit number rather than double that number, which the Editor/Assembler Manual calls the CRU address and shows in the table in Chapter 24. I personally think the instructions for the CRU words in the TI Forth and fbForth manuals are clear enough; but, I certainly understand Dave’s frustration with trying to juggle two different ways of dealing with the same CRU operation. I bring all this up because I wonder if I should change the fbForth CRU words in line with Dave’s comments.


The above reminded me of conversations I had with Dave back in late 1983 and early 1984 at DC TIUG meetings regarding his similar reaction to the TI-Forth-TMS9900-Assembler way of representing ALC instructions. No matter that the source and destination addresses were in the same order—having the instruction follow them in the traditional RPN Forth way just stuck in his craw. I remember his excitement over discovering the TI Forth TMS9900 Assembler with its structured programming potential and just as suddenly swearing off of that Assembler because it meant changing the way he was used to writing ALC. I didn’t know much TMS9900 Assembler back then, so I did not have any very convincing arguments in my effort to cajole him to change his mind. I don‘t remember whether he continued with TI Forth very long after that. I‘ll need to reread my copies of his “Under the Hood” columns to jog my memory. I do know that I was very much in love with TI Forth and that it was the reason I‘ve stayed with the TI-99/4A all this time. I viewed Dave’s continued enthusiasm for TI Forth quite selfishly because I wanted a friend with his knowledge of TMS9900 ALC to help with my understanding of the ALC source for TI Forth. He had already started making noises about enhancing TI Forth, as I recall. I wish we had stayed in touch. I might have produced fbForth much sooner—but I digress...



Edited by Lee Stewart
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You've been doing a great job of it even without his help, Lee! I suspect it might be better to leave the CRU words alone--changing them would break any TI Forth program that used them. . .


Thank you, Sir!


Yeah—I think I might just beef up the discussion of those words to point out the differences.



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I fixed a couple of bugs in fbForth 2.0:1 and posted the Classic99 and MESS ZIP files for fbForth 2.0:2 to post #1. The bugs fixed were

  • Fixed a bug in the 40/80-Column Editor’s character-copy function that caused fbForth 2.0 to crash if the line-insertion and line-deletion functions were used on the last line of a block. The problem was not testing for a copy-count of 0 before copying the first character, causing the count to pass 0 before the test if the function was passed a count of 0, which it is on the last line.
  • Fixed a bug in SGN that resulted in +1 for -32768 (8000h), the largest single-precision (16-bit) negative number possible on the TI-99/4A.

The BIN file in the Classic99 ZIP file can be used to update the EPROM on the cartridge you purchased from me at the Faire. If you cannot update the EPROM yourself, we can work something out.


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While looking for a particular one of George Smyth’s “Forth Forum” columns, I rediscovered this edition of Dave Ramsey’s column, “Under the Hood,” from the November, 1984 issue of MANNERS Newsletter:




It discusses what Dave calls a “bug” in the CRU words of TI Forth (and by extension, fbForth). He doesn’t like the fact that the TI Forth authors used the term “CRU address” to mean the actual CRU bit number rather than double that number, which the Editor/Assembler Manual calls the CRU address and shows in the table in Chapter 24. I personally think the instructions for the CRU words in the TI Forth and fbForth manuals are clear enough; but, I certainly understand Dave’s frustration with trying to juggle two different ways of dealing with the same CRU operation. I bring all this up because I wonder if I should change the fbForth CRU words in line with Dave’s comments.


The above reminded me of conversations I had with Dave back in late 1983 and early 1984 at DC TIUG meetings regarding his similar reaction to the TI-Forth-TMS9900-Assembler way of representing ALC instructions. No matter that the source and destination addresses were in the same order—having the instruction follow them in the traditional RPN Forth way just stuck in his craw. I remember his excitement over discovering the TI Forth TMS9900 Assembler with its structured programming potential and just as suddenly swearing off of that Assembler because it meant changing the way he was used to writing ALC. I didn’t know much TMS9900 Assembler back then, so I did not have any very convincing arguments in my effort to cajole him to change his mind. I don‘t remember whether he continued with TI Forth very long after that. I‘ll need to reread my copies of his “Under the Hood” columns to jog my memory. I do know that I was very much in love with TI Forth and that it was the reason I‘ve stayed with the TI-99/4A all this time. I viewed Dave’s continued enthusiasm for TI Forth quite selfishly because I wanted a friend with his knowledge of TMS9900 ALC to help with my understanding of the ALC source for TI Forth. He had already started making noises about enhancing TI Forth, as I recall. I wish we had stayed in touch. I might have produced fbForth much sooner—but I digress...



I know the frustration you are talking about.


In the RXB manual I made I have this:


CALL IO controls the 9901 CRU chip. Sound lists can be played
independently of current status. (i.e. type in a program while
playing music from VDP/GROM.) Control Register Unit can turn
on/off single bits of CRU address bus. (i.e. cards/chips)
Cassette direct bus control. (i.e. no menu input/output, verify)
And the manual pages on IO:
IO subprogram PAGE I3
Format CALL IO(type,address[,...])
CALL IO(type,bits,cru-base,variable,variable
CALL IO(type,length,vdp-address[,...])
The IO subprogram allows access to and control of any chip in
the console or peripheral cards. The type refers to different
access methods like playing sound from GROM or VDP memory
automatically. The type can also specify reading or writing
directly to a Control Register Unit (CRU) address. Thereby
allowing direct chip control, or direct chip bypass if the
user wishes. The IO subprogram is a Graphics Programming
Language (GPL) command. So the function is exactly like GPL
despite being run from the XB environment. As most of XB is
written in GPL the user gains greater GPL like control.
After all the Operating System is written in GPL for a
good reason.*Note these docs are from GPL Manuals.
type address specifications
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0 ---------- GROM sound list address.
1 ---------- VDP sound list address.
2 ---------- CRU input.
3 ---------- CRU output.
4 ---------- VDP address of Cassette write list.
5 ---------- VDP address of Cassette read list.
6 ---------- VDP address of Cassette verify list.
The length specifies the number of bytes. The length can be
from -32768 to 32767 depending on the amount of VDP memory
that is available. Of course a value of -32768 is HEX >8000
and 32767 is HEX >7FFF and VDP normally in a TI is only 16384
or HEX >4000 of VDP. So be careful or lock-up will result.
The cru-base is the CRU address divided by 2 in decimal form
as the command automatically doubles the value input. The CRU
-base ranges from 0 to 8191 or HEX >0000 to >1FFF with a EVEN
address for 8 bits or more being scanned. That means that a
value of 8191 will lock-up the system as it is looking for a
bit in 8192 that does not exist.
The variable can input or output values ranging from 0 to 255
as that is equivalent to a single byte value. As there are
two variables 16 bits can be represented in the two 8 bit
variables. If CRU input reads less than 8 bits, the unused
bits in the byte are reset to zero. If CRU input reads less
then 16 but more than 8 bits, the unused bits in the word
will be reset to zero. The bits range from 1 to 16 for input
or output.
Format CALL IO(type,address[,...])
Control of the Sound Generator Chip (SGC) in the system
console is through a pre-defined table in GROM/GRAM or VDP
memory. Sound output is controlled by the table and the VDP
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). A control byte at the end of
the table can cause control to loop back up in the table to
continue, or end sound output. The format of the table is the
same regardless of where it resides. The table consists of a
series of blocks, each of which contains a series of bytes
which are directly output to the SGC.
Since the VDP generates 60 interrupts per second, the
interrupt count is expressed in units of one-sixtieth of a
When the IO command is called, upon the next occurring
VDP interrupt, the first block of bytes is output to the SGC.
The interpreter (Operating System) waits the requested number
of interrupts (for example, if interrupt counts are 1, every
interrupt causes the next block to be output). Remember that
interpretation of XB continues normally while the SGC control
is enabled.
The sound control can be terminated by using an interrupt
count of 0 in the last block of the table. Alternatively, a
primitive looping control is provided by using a block whose
first byte is 0, and the next 2 bytes indicate an address in
the same memory space of the next sound block to use. (That
means one block points to another block only in the same type
of memory).
If the first byte is hex FF or decimal 255, the next two
bytes indicate an address in the other memory space. (That
means one block points to another block but in another type
of memory.) These allow switching sound lists from GROM/GRAM
to VDP or VDP to GRAM/GROM. By making this the beginning of
the entire table, the sound sequence can be made to repeat
The type 0 indicates sound lists in GROM or GRAM and type 1
indicates sound lists in VDP.
Executing a sound list while table-driven sound control is
already in progress (from a previous sound list) causes the
old sound control to be totally supplanted by the new sound
instruction. (That means any sound chip command will over-
ride old sound chip commands).
The SGC has 3 tone (square wave) generators - 0, 1, and 2
all of which can be working simultaneously or in combination.
The frequency (pitch) and attenuation (volume) of each
generator can be independently controlled. In addition, there
is a noise generator which can output white or periodic
noise. For more information on controlling the SGC, see the
TSM9919 SGC specification.
ATTENUATION CONTROL (for generators 0, 1, 2 or 3)
One byte must be transmitted to the SGC:
Binary 1-REG#-1-Attenuation
REG# = register number (0,1,2,3)
Attenuation = Attenuation/2
(e.g. A=0000 0 db = highest volume;
A=1000 16 db = medium volume;
A=1111 30 db = off. )
EXAMPLE: 1 10 1 0000 : turn on gen. #2 highest volume.
1 01 1 0100 : turn on gen. #1 medium high volume.
1 11 1 1111 | turn off gen. #3 (noise generator).
FREQUENCY CONTROL (for generators 0, 1, 2)
Two bytes must be transmitted to the SGC for a given register
and to compute the number of counts from the frequency F
use: N = 111860 / F
Binary 1-REG#-N(1s 4 bits)-00-N(ms 6 bits)
Note that N must be split up into its least
significant 4 bits and most significant 6
bits (10 bits total).
The lowest frequency possible is 110 Hz and the highest is
55938 Hz.
------------- |
One byte must be transmitted to the SGC:
Binary 1-1-1-0-0-T-S
T = 0 for white noise, 1 for periodic noise;
S = Shift rate (0,1,2,3) = frequency center of noise.
S=3=frequency dependent on the frequency of tone
generator #3.
Line 100 clears screen. | >100 CALL CLEAR ! Chimes
Line 110 to ... | >110 DATA 5,159,191,223,255,2
| 27,1,9,142,1,164,2,197,1,144
| ,182,211,6,3,145,183,212,5,3
| ,146,184,213,4
| >120 DATA 5,167,4,147,176,214
| ,5,3,148,177,215,6,3,149,178
| ,216,7
| >130 DATA 5,202,2,150,179,208
| ,6,3,151,180,209,5,3,152,181
| ,210,4
| >140 DATA 5,133,3,144,182,211
| ,5,3,145,183,212,6,3,146,184
| ,213,7
| >150 DATA 5,164,2,147,176,214
| ,6,3,148,177,215,5,3,149,178
| ,216,4
Line 160 ends sound list. | >160 DATA 5,197,1,150,179,208
| ,5,3,151,180,209,6,3,152,181
| ,210,7,3,159,191,223,0
Line 170 reads list into B and| >170 A=A+1 :: READ B :: CALL
A is counter | POKEV(A,B)
Line 180 checks end of list? | >180 IF B=0 THEN 190 ELSE 170
Line 190 shows how to access. | >190 PRINT "TYPE:": :"CALL IO(
| 1,8192)"
| >200 CALL IO(1,8192)
Line 310 continues AD loop. | >310 NEXT AD
Line 320 executes sound list. | >320 CALL IO(1,4096)
Line 330 prints out suggestion| >330 PRINT "CRASH": :"TYPE:":
on how to test IO. | "CALL IO(1,4096)"
Line 100 clears the screen. | >100 CALL CLEAR ! CRASH
Line 110 to ... | >110 DATA 2,228,242,5
| >120 DATA 2,228,240,18
| >130 DATA 2,228,241,16
| >140 DATA 2,228,242,14
| >150 DATA 2,228,243,12
| >160 DATA 2,228,244,10
| >170 DATA 2,229,245,9
| >180 DATA 2,229,246,8
| >190 DATA 2,229,247,7
| >200 DATA 2,229,248,6
| >210 DATA 2,229,249,5
| >220 DATA 2,230,250,4
| >230 DATA 2,230,251,3
| >240 DATA 2,230,252,2
| >250 DATA 2,230,253,1
| >260 DATA 2,230,254,1
Line 270 ends sound list. | >270 DATA 1,255,0,0
Line 280 AD is VDP address to | >280 FOR AD=4096 TO 4160 STE
start with and ends with. | P 4
Line 290 reads list. | >290 READ V1,V2,V3,V4
Line 300 moves them into VDP. | >300 CALL POKEV(AD,V1,V2,V3,V
| 4)
Line 310 continues AD loop. | >310 NEXT AD
Line 320 executes sound list. | >320 CALL IO(1,4096)
Line 330 prints out suggestion| >330 PRINT "CRASH": :"TYPE:":
on how to test IO. | "CALL IO(1,4096)"
All data values must converted to Binary in order to see
what is going on. You now have all the data that I have as
to this phase of IO types 0 and 1. See Editor Assembler
Manual also for more data on sound lists and sound chip.
Sound table creator for conversion of sound data.
120 Q$="0123456789ABCDEF"
160 INPUT "VOLUME ?":VOL :: PRINT : : :
170 IF DUR>17 THEN 190
180 DUR=17
200 DUR=INT((DUR*255)/4250) :: CONV=DUR
210 GOSUB 430
220 DUR$=SEG$(HX$,3,2) :: IF FREQ>-1 THEN 310
240 FR=ABS(FREQ)-1 :: FR$="E"&STR$(FR)
270 GOSUB 430 :: VOL$="F"&SEG$(HX$,4,1)
280 PRINT "DATA>02";FR$;",>";VOL$;DUR$: : :
290 GOTO 390
310 FR=INT((111860.8/FREQ)+.5)
320 CONV=FR :: GOSUB 430
330 FR$=SEG$(Q$,GN*2+7,1)&SEG$(HX$,4,1)&SEG$(HX$,2,2)
360 GOSUB 430
370 VOL$=SEG$(Q$,GN*2+8,1)&SEG$(HX$,4,1)
380 PRINT "DATA>03";SEG$(FR$,1,1)&SEG$(FR$,2,1);",>";
SEG$(FR$,3,2);VOL$;",>";DUR$;"00": : :
400 CALL ONKEY("YN",3,K,S) GOTO 100,420
410 GOTO 400
440 AY=INT(CONV)/16 :: BY=INT(AY)/16
450 CY=INT(BY)/16 :: DY=INT(CY)/16
460 AP=(AY-INT(AY))*16 :: BP=(BY-INT(BY))*16
470 CP=(CY-INT(CY))*16 :: DP=(DY-INT(DY))*16
480 HX$=SEG$(Q$,DP+1,1)&SEG$(Q$,CP+1,1)&
Use this program to create Hex strings that can use
CALL MOVES to move strings into VDP to be played from
a CALL IO(1,VDP-address)
Format CALL IO(type,bits,cru-base,variable,variable
The IO types 2 and 3 can be used to control a variety of
input-output devices including Speech, or CRU. IO always must
be the CRU address divided by 2 as any value above 8192 will
be out of range. The cru-base must be divided by 2 as the
9901 chip ignores the least significant bits of the base
register it uses. See Editor Assembler Manual page 61.
The CRU data to be written should be right justified in the
byte or word. The least significant bit will output to or
input from the CRU address specified by the CRU base address.
Subsequent bits will come from or go to sequentially higher
CRU addresses. If the CRU input reads less than 8 bits, the
unused bits in the byte are reset to zero. If the CRU input
reads less than 16 bits but more than 8 bits, the unused bits
in the full two 8 bit bytes will be reset to zero.
Line 100 display what it does | >100 DISPLAY AT(1,1)ERASE ALL
Line 110 scans CRU at >0006 | >110 CALL IO(2,16,3,A,B):: IF
and reports keys pressed. | A=18 AND B=255 THEN 110 ELS
| E CALL HPUT(24,3,RPT$(" ",30
| ),24,24,STR$(A)&" "&STR$(B))
Line 120 more reports. | >120 IF A=146 THEN CALL HPUT(
| B=191 THEN CALL HPUT(24,3,"C
| ")
Line 130 still more reports. | >130 IF B=251 THEN CALL HPUT(
| 24,3,"ENTER KEY")ELSE IF B=2
| ")
Line start over scan of keys. | >140 GOTO 110
The above program scans CRU input/output lines for keys.
Please note that EMULATION of the TI99/4A is never complete,
so many CRU address in a Emulator are not fully functional.
Line 100 clears screen. | >100 CALL CLEAR
Line 110 explains program. | >110 CALL HPUT(4,7,"This is a
| demo of the",6,7,"CALL IO(3
| ,8,2176,B)",8,7,"3 = TYPE(CR
| U output)",10,7,"8 = NUMBER
| OF BITS",12,7,"2176=address/
| 2")
Line 120 turn off card, show | >120 CALL IO(3,8,2176,0):: FO
the present byte value being | R B=0 TO 255 :: CALL HPUT(14
sent. | ,7,"B=byte (value "&STR$(B)&
| ")")
Line 130 display block to get | >130 CALL HPUT(18,5,"********
attention. | ******************",19,5,"WA
| **************************")
Line 140 send byte to card and| >140 CALL IO(3,8,2176,B):: NE
when done with loop, clear for| XT B :: CALL HCHAR(14,24,32,
starting over program. | 7):: GOTO 110
The above program will only work on a REAL TI not EMULATORS.
Line 100 explains program. | >100 ! TURNS OFF/ON/OFF EACH
| CARD FROM >1000 TO >1F00 BUT
Line 110 cru address from | >110 FOR CRU=2048 TO 3968 STE
>1000 to >1F00 | P 128
Line 120 turn off card, turn | >120 CALL IO(3,8,CRU,0,3,8,CR
on card, delay for 2 seconds, | U,255)::FOR A=1 TO 200::NEXT
turn off card. | A::CALL IO(3,8,CRU,0)
Line 140 loop till done. | >140 NEXT CRU
Some CRU address are used by the Operating System or XB and
any attempt to redefine them will create problems. Also some
of the address areas will return incorrect values as they
have changed since IO has accessed them. These problems will
never become completely apparent at first, so take care.
Additionally some cards have the same problem, if the card
has a program that has a interrupt or CRU links turned on as
you access it, a complete lock up will result as a fight for
control ensues. So with that happy thought, a alternate way
is to use EXECUTE or LINK instead.
Format CALL IO(type,length,vdp-address[,...])
The three different cassette I/O instuctions use the same
format. The write and read instructions physically perform
Input/Output to the cassette. The verify instruction will
read a tape and compare it, byte by byte, against what is in
the specified vdp area. All will report an I/O error if one
is detected.
No prompts are present with these three formats. These three
types control the cassette directly so no prompt will tell
the user to turn on or off the cassette record/play buttons.
The programmer must inform the user with his own prompt.
Presently I have no cassette to write programs with.
CRU bit 24 is the audio gate which allows data being read to
be heard. If the bit is set to 1, the data being read is
heard, and if the bit is set to 0, the data is not heard.
Setting the bit to a 0 or 1 is done with an IO instruction, or
a Assembly instruction.
There are two CRU bits (22 and 23) used to control cassettes
1 and 2, respectively. When there is no Cassette IO being
done, both motors remain on. When Cassette IO is specified,
the DSR (Device Service Routine) will control the data being
read. If there are two motor units connected, the data will be
read simultaneously, or you may have the option of reading
data from one motor unit and playing the recorded voice from
another motor unit through the TV (Monitor) speaker.
Compatibility with or without 32K or other devices is not a
concern as IO needs no RAM to work with. Therefore from just
a console all IO commands will work fine. If you only have a
Cassette and RXB you can quickly load/save/verify without
menus, or just make up your own.
Even with all the examples and even on disk ones I get Assembly Programmers that ask why it does not work as you need to double the address.
Short of publishing a CRU map in the next RXB documents I do not see how to explain it better.
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I know the frustration you are talking about.


Even with all the examples and even on disk ones I get Assembly Programmers that ask why it does not work as you need to double the address.
Short of publishing a CRU map in the next RXB documents I do not see how to explain it better.



I feel your pain, Rich.



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I just noticed that the new binary (fbForth 2.0:2) broke the BSAVEd options of FBLOCKS. It’s going to happen every time a new binary is produced because labels stored with the BSAVEd binary move around. It’s really no problem to produce a new FBLOCKS file with each new cartridge binary revision; but, I wonder whether I should just remove those from future FBLOCKS files in favor of just giving instructions (and caveats) on how users might produce them themselves. Thoughts?



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While looking for a particular one of George Smyth’s “Forth Forum” columns, I rediscovered this edition of Dave Ramsey’s column, “Under the Hood,” from the November, 1984 issue of MANNERS Newsletter:




It discusses what Dave calls a “bug” in the CRU words of TI Forth (and by extension, fbForth). He doesn’t like the fact that the TI Forth authors used the term “CRU address” to mean the actual CRU bit number rather than double that number, which the Editor/Assembler Manual calls the CRU address and shows in the table in Chapter 24. I personally think the instructions for the CRU words in the TI Forth and fbForth manuals are clear enough; but, I certainly understand Dave’s frustration with trying to juggle two different ways of dealing with the same CRU operation. I bring all this up because I wonder if I should change the fbForth CRU words in line with Dave’s comments.






Years ago Bill Sullivan and I exchanged some notes on this same challenge.


As you know, in assembly the CRU bit value used with TB/SBO/SBZ must be doubled before it is loaded into R12 or operated by LDCR/STCR operations. Documentation that references the CRU bit value for the TB/SBO/SBZ instructions as an address can do a disservice to the reader -unless- the author provides an explanation. Since the R12 CRU value's least significant bit is ignored at the hardware level, a CRU bit value must be doubled (shifted left one position) to convert it to an addressable offset usable with R12. A lot of documentation fails to properly explain what's going on, leaving the programmer stymied when things don't work.


Personally, I think the programming languages should follow the same convention where possible, so that programmers know CRU base 0x1100 means 0x1100 and that testing an offset bit 1 at base 0x1100 means you are testing 0x1102.

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  • 1 month later...

This from the Bitmap Mode thread suggesting a solution to my getting cramped on space when trying to add functionality to the fbForth 2.0 cartridge:


You could always try to divide things up so you could use another bank or two, Lee. . .


I certainly can divide things up to provide extra space to add another word to the cartridge except for one problem. I am running very short on space in the word-header bank. I am almost to the point of needing to rethink how I have organized that bank. Each new word requires about 16 bytes of header information in bank 2, depending on the length of the word's name. I only have 149 bytes left in bank 3. H-m-m-m...I guess I could do that for a couple more words. I will work on coding DATA soon!



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Looking at TurboForth's DATA , I am not sure how to proceed. My immediate goal is to compile numbers to an array. I am not particularly interested in the behavior of TF's DATA . Perhaps I should code my word to be used by a future implementation of DATA (if I have enough room!). Now, however, I need suggestions for a good Forthy name for my word:


<compile-numbers-word> ( count --- )

This word will compile count numbers from the input stream using , (comma).



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