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2600 Video Touch Pad as partial replacement for stock 5200 controllers


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Has anyone used the Star Raiders video touch pad for the 2600 as a keypad replacement with an Atari 5200 Y-cable like this one:




If so, would I just hook up a Sega Genesis pad to the first port and the video touch pad to the second port?

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You might be better off asking the seller, but i will take a guess. Chances are that this will not work with your Sega Genesis pad like you want. It says that you will hook a video touch pad to one port and a set of paddles to the other port. This will work great for games like Kaboom and Super Breakout (and maybe Pole Position depending on how thy guy has it wired, shifting with the other paddle might be awkward though).


The listing also says "a little basic wiring" which probably means taking your paddle apart and moving a wire from one contact to the other and maybe taking the video touch pad apart and removing the resistors.


Let us know what you find out. :)

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i do it all the time


but you need to open it up and cut one leg on a resistor (either one dont matter) to isolate the column or row i cant remember which


also the paddles are reversed on the 5200 or 2600 depending on how you look at it to me it makes sense to have 0 ohms be up and left and 500 ohms be right and down


but 2600 has 1 meg full left and 0 ohm full right which is not a problem if you open it up unsolder the wire from one side and solder it to the other leaving the middle wire alone


i prefer using pc adapters as there are some decent joysticks and gamepads of the old 15 pin game port variety


since the paddles are really only good for a few games like river raid,kaboom,superbreakout,galaxian,space invaders,gorf,megamania,moon patrol


the up down left right of a gamepad makes digdug and kangaroo a joy

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i prefer using pc adapters as there are some decent joysticks and gamepads of the old 15 pin game port variety



Care to share the adapter you use? Pictures would be great. Even if you don't think the adapter or controller is available. If I understand you correctly, you don't have a replacement for the keypad.


To everyone else, does anyone use the 2600 video touch pad with some sort of adapter to avoid using the troublesome 5200 sticks?

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Care to share the adapter you use? Pictures would be great. Even if you don't think the adapter or controller is available. If I understand you correctly, you don't have a replacement for the keypad.


To everyone else, does anyone use the 2600 video touch pad with some sort of adapter to avoid using the troublesome 5200 sticks?


He makes his own adapters.

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