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I listed a few items just fine, US and Canada and then I have a couple more to list and suddenly I get hit with this message:


In order to help maintain a safe trading environment, selling limits are occasionally placed on listings. For this item, the site on which the item is listed must match your site of registration, and the item can only be shipped within the same country. Please go back and make the necessary changes.



I now can't list anything that's being sold outside Canada. I've changed NO options between auction 5 and 6, I quadruple checked. Why after listing 5 auctions with shipping options for US and Canada just fine does the 6th auction suddenly say that I'm not allowed to ship outside Canada?


Here's the kicker, I had an old auction from a couple of months back that didn't sell, with the same US and Canada shipping options that just as a test, I relisted and guess what - it allowed that.


So to sum up - I listed 5 items that I can ship to Canada and the US but items six and seven I can only list as Canada only but an eighth item could be relisted as US and Canada shipping.


WTF ebay!!!!????


EDIT: I should mention that this same thing happened about a week ago, so I gave up. On a lark I tried again this past Friday and it let me, now its not again. This makes ZERO sense.

Edited by AtariLeaf
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Hi AtariLeaf, the problem isnt with your item its with the number of items, this has been going on for quite some time. You have a certain number of items in your area that you are allowed to ship outside of the country and when you reach that limit you must wait until a set time, i think it might be 30 days then it resets and you can list more. Your relist apparently counts as the same item so it let you relist it. Below is a post from someone who has more knowledge of the details, apparently there are some tricks to get around the limits until you can get them removed.


POST: It is certain brands of goods within a category that have limits. For example MAC, Chanel, Lancome makeup has limits within the health and beauty category, but Bobbi Brown, YSL and Benefit do not. I have discovered this by trial and error. You could try listing the item within a different category- however you might not get as many buyers/ bidders. I also managed to list within the correct category by removing the brand name from the listing title and leaving it in the description- but again your item could be missed by buyers searching this way. I have had these limits removed before from an account before- but it had over 300 positive feedback and it way a 2-3 year old account. I just sent them a message asking them to remove limits and they did. However- I have no idea what/ if there is minimum amount of feedback required before they will do this

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I saw some stupidly worded bulletin about limits on iPhone 5 and new Samsung models. It would seem to me that if there were too many of an item, the seller would be able to figure that out on their own pretty quickly and would not need arbitrary limits set; worst case scenario is that the buyer might actually get a good deal, and we can't have that, now can we?

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I saw some stupidly worded bulletin about limits on iPhone 5 and new Samsung models. It would seem to me that if there were too many of an item, the seller would be able to figure that out on their own pretty quickly and would not need arbitrary limits set; worst case scenario is that the buyer might actually get a good deal, and we can't have that, now can we?


Lower average price = lower average fee = lower $$$$ for eBay itself. Of course we can't have that! UNTHINKABLE! :|


It both makes sense and doesn't......if prices are lower, sellers will need lower margin but higher volume.....which means better prices attract more buyers.....which means more transactions.....which means that although eBay's average fee per transaction is lower, the volume of transactions makes up for it, and likely eBay ends up better off for it.

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