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macintosh man

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I found this cool website called shopgoodwill.com its basically a thrift store website with really cheap prices. they have some pretty cool items for super cheap like commodore, atari ,etc. but the shipping is kinda high so always look at the shipping calculator. I have no clue how to link so type in "shopgoodwill.com" on google

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I found this cool website called shopgoodwill.com its basically a thrift store website with really cheap prices. they have some pretty cool items for super cheap like commodore, atari ,etc. but the shipping is kinda high so always look at the shipping calculator. I have no clue how to link so type in "shopgoodwill.com" on google

Been around for a long time now. I used to use Shopgoodwill.com and get great deals. The last 5-7 years it has become just like Ebay if not worse. The shipping and handling costs are almost always outrageous and the prices are usually pretty high anymore.

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Goodwill is local to here (toledo, ohio area)



Now I know why none of that stuff is ever in the store.. ugh.


I gave up on the Goodwills of Toledo years ago. There are more than a few of us on the board in the Toledo area that can attest to how bad these stores have been for some time. Even when I used to find things there from time to time (and that was last maybe 2003) the prices would be jacked! They would always be in the front glass case like they were worth a fortune. I soooo miss the early 90s when thrifts were a gold mine. :_(

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I got scammed on the shopgoodwill site a while back. I got a view master projector in the box that was supposedly squeeky clean and almost new.when it arrived it had blackmold covering it and a rats nest with a dead rat inside! it was disgusting!i got ahold of the ceo andhe made it right


Then why did you start an auction link about this "cool website"?

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I use to frequent shopgoodwill.com but it has become known that employees sometimes bid on items to drive up the price. I have talked to a few that admitted that they were told to do so.


Want to get a good deal find a local goodiwill, usually they have no idea on how to price things. I have and continue to find $100 items for $3-$10. The only thing I hate about goodwillsis that if they get in vintage computer stuff they automatically send it out to recycle. I have seen people bring in Apple II systems and even a Lisa. What did goodwill do? Dump them. $1200+ machines get scrapped. I even offered $100 on each but would not sell, that is not their policy.

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ShopGoodWill prices on everything I've watched always seem to go absurdly high, as if only dumb rich people are bidding. I don't understand why.


Many people think that they've found something that no one else knows about (!) and so bidding wars ensue when all of the secret members meet up. It's great for Goodwill since they are getting more money for their donations, but many video games now go directly to the website instead of the store floor. I tend not to chase the chuckwagon at Goodwill stores; however, they still have good deals on a lot of other consumer items.

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I've bought a few items off of shopgoodwill in the past 2 years or so. What usually kills me is the shipping, too many of the stores seem to prefer UPS or FedEx for shipping. When really USPS first class or even flat rate priority boxes would do just as well (or better) and cost much less.

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Too many listings on shopgoodwill.com are as-is. That was fine when there were things like a mint boxed Vectrex, shown tested and working, with boxed second controller that could be won for $200. Those days are long gone.


I've seen several auctions get driven to ridiculous prices only to reappear a week later, again get driven to high prices, only to reappear a week later, and so on. I stopped counting at the same object being listed and sold 8 times. So yes, now there is definitely shill bidding.


Even when things could be found for cheap, there were massive problems with how different stores packed items. When they charge $20 to ship something that fits in to a Small Priority Box and weighs under a pound, I expect some of that money to go towards packing and protection. Nope.


Between as-is, shill bids, overpriced shipping, and horrible packing it is not possible for me to recommend shopgoodwill.com to anyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was in a goodwill store about a month ago and normally I look at books because they sometimes have old scifi books cheap. Well on this visit I decided to see if they had any work clothes and was amazed to see they were selling underwear :-o


underwear doesn't seem like the type of thing you would buy second hand , I have never seen any other store do that . It was not clean looking either .

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I work at a school which shares spaces with a large Goodwill depot. The people that run it give me free reign to nose around, provided that I eventually pay for everything I poach. I also notice that they are starting to sell and display a lot more of their real retro stuff... hopefully because of their interactions with me! :) So far, I've gotten a boxed TI-99 4/A, an 800 with tons of paripherals, an N64, lots of carts, and today, an old iMac!

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