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S-Video Problems


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Here's something I haven't run into before. I have three early 2000's flat-screen CRT televisions. Two are Daewoo and one is a Toshiba and all three are exhibiting the same issue. It started when I tried to connect my 3DO FZ-1 via s-video cable to one of them. I got no picture. The second and third televisions gave the same result. My first thought was "Bad cable" so I tried hooking the 3DO up to my LCD television via the same s-video cable. Worked fine.


I then thought that maybe all of the s-video jacks on the CRT's had crapped-out and replaced them. Same issue. I then purchased an RCA video to s-video cable for a couple bucks just for giggles and tried that. It worked both ways with the 3DO, proving all the jacks were indeed functional (though the picture was less-than-desirable).


Just for the heck of it, I tried hooking up my DirecTV box through one of the CRT's with the s-video cable. No picture.


So my question is, why would there be a difference between running s-video to a CRT vs. an LCD? Could the cable still be the culprit? And why would it work when converting the signal from s-video to composite and vice-versa but not straight through s-video? :?


Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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