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missile1x free when using player1colors?


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Check out the bonus item in this unfinished piece of junk:




My reading skills are pretty poor right now. I didn't catch a .bas file to look over how you did the bonus item. The only reference related seems to be a post where you say you are "using missile1".


I also just realised that missile1height may be available to use. Should test that next.

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I was just showing it in action. Here's another one in action:





Check out this post:



Just so you know, when the missile instructions are replaced with other kernel options, you can still access the missiles as full height bars using "ENAM0 = 2" and "ENAM1 = 2". They are still changed by NUSIZ in the same ways.



The kernel options player1colors, no_blank_lines, and pfcolors cause the loss of missile1 and missile0. But missile0 and missile1 can be used as a top to bottom strip using ENAM1{1}=1 and ENAM0{1}=1 and turned off using ENAM1{1}=0 and ENAM0{1}=0. The colors of player1 will show up in missile1 at the horizontal position of player1. This color contamination can be used as a bonus item at the side, but you must be careful because the missile can be touched from top to bottom, not just at the spot where you see color.


Here's a quick example with missile1 on the left and missile0 on the right using your sprite from another thread:





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