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Platforming project - oh my . . .

Rabbit 2600

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Mm, okay. In short, I want player1 to go to the left as soon as it's on the screen


so you want player1 to change it's x position continuously

you need to update the position continuously (every

drawscreen I guess) so you'd keep a delta x position,

a velocity basically, and add it to the player1x position

every drawscreen.

dim vx = x
vx = -1


player1x = player1x + vx


you could just increment player1x but then you

need a seperate statement to decrement player1x

if you want to go right

Edited by bogax
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I see!


I set the player1 starting point at x137 and y56.


I added your code but my program goes black when I try it out.

I think the problem is here:

if player0x:player0y




Maybe if you removed the "if player0x:player0y" line it would work.

Also, the

 tag in the forum software doesn't like more than one space in front of text, so what would be really helpful is to post the .bas file along with your post.
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Well, one solution would be to use the multisprite kernel, but the only drawbacks are you can't use any other kernel (i.e. player1colors), and the playfield has to be symmetrical, which, for your program (at least so far) wouldn't be a problem. But another drawback to using the mutlisprite kernel is that players0-5y are reversed, so 0 would be the bottom and approx. 90 would be the top. And, there is the DPC+ kernel which allows up to 9 players, but I haven't played around with it yet. If you're OK with flickering, you wouldn't have to use the multisprite kernel, but having 3 extra player1s would result in a Pac-Man for VCS-ghost-like scenario, so maybe like two or three enemies would be OK.

Edited by atari2600land
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I see atari2600land beat me to it but here's mine

(haven't looked atatari2600land's yet)


rem Generated 2013-05-27 22:17:41 by Visual bB Version
rem **********************************
rem *<filename> *
rem *<description> *
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rem *<contact info> *
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rem **********************************

dim v1x = u

v1x = -1
player1x = 137
player1y = 32





if f=10 then player0:

if f=20 then player0:

if f=20 then f=0


if g=10 then player1:

if g=20 then player1:

if g=30 then player1:

if g=40 then player1:

if g=50 then player1:

if g=50 then g=0

player1x = player1x + v1x

if player1x > 16 then skip

a = rand & 1
if a then player1y = 32 else player1y = 56



if joy0right then x=x+1
if joy0left then x=x-1
if joy0up && y=56 then y=32
if joy0down && y=32 then y=56


goto main

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Flickering is alright. But the multikernel might be a must for me, since I'm going to add fruits that the player has to collect to get points. I don't really get how the multikernel works. Do I have to download a file and add it for it to work, or? And how does multi flickering sprites work?



Thank you very much =) It's great to see different solutions! I've learned plenty from you guys! Thanks for being so patient with me.

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the multisprite kernel should already be in the bB package you got. If you go the multisprite kernel way, then you don't have to worry about extra code for changing the player1's x and y positions since essentially the multisprite kernel does that for you. To use it, just put "set kernel multisprite" at the beginning of your program. This enables you to use the multisprite kernel, which grants you players 2-5. But like I said before, the y positions are reversed with this kernel (don't ask me, I don't know why.) From my use with this, player0y=0 is at the bottom, while player0y=88 or so should be the top. You'd then have to play around a bit to find the new positions for the sprites. Also, I should note that you can have sprites 2-5 be different colors, but in order to color player1, you use _COLUP1 (note the underscore before COLUP, and again, don't ask me why.)

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I did put the const after the kernel. I tried adding it literally after the kernel, both on the same line, and having it under the kernel.

Under the kernel the curtain effect happens. But when they are on the same line I get no change at all, just the same strange background.

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Okay, I got player2 working! Awesome! But sometimes Player1 and Player2 overlap. Can I prevent this by setting the rand/128 to rand/32 or something so they don't come at the exact same time?


Also, how do I go about scoring with player2?

When I do a collision detection between player0 and 2 it does not work at all. But with player 0 and player 1 it works and I get score when touching it. However I get score from touching Player 2 as well.



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Since player2-5's collision detection is also for player 1, you'll have to do something like:

if collision(player1,player0) && player0x>=player2x && player0x<temp1 && player0y=player2y then player2y=200 : b=rand/128 : score=score+1

You can use temp1 in this case because player2's x position is also changed with each drawscreen so there is no constant.

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You can use temp1 in this case because player2's x position is also changed with each drawscreen so there is no constant.


the only problem with the temp variables is that bB uses them.

If you don't ask bB to do anything that uses them you're safe


drawscreen uses them

pfread uses temp1 and temp2


it's not always obvious that you're asking bB to do something

that will use them.


a multiplication or division by something other than a constant

that is a power of 2 uses temp1 and temp2


multiplication and division are only things I can think of

just off hand that aren't obvious or might slip by (me

at least)

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Mm'kay. Very complicated. But, I added the temp1 code and nothing happened, do I have to place it somewhere special, or?


player1-5 are all actually player1 if you get a player1 collision you have

to test which of them it is.

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That's what the code I posted was trying to figure out. Where player0 was to establish which clone of player1 it was (either 2, 3, 4, or 5.)

In this example I will tell what it's about.


if collision(player1,player0) && player0x>=player2x && z<player2x && player0y=player1y then ...

So what this means is

if the right most pixel of player0 is the same as or greater than the left most pixel and the left most pixel of player0 is less than the right-most pixel of player2 and they are both on the same y axis then...

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