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Okay Robert... it may take a little time to finish uploading, but here's the short and bland video. Hope this helps.

Sweet - I'll have to try that out sometime today :). You fellas might be interested to know that I have two transfers now going - <shamlessplug> so check my signature for programs :) </shamelessplug>.


For us Linux users, there isn't a lot of terminal emulators available that can do xmodem transfers, but 'moserial' works great - just be sure that it is version 3.0.8 or higher. The download can be found here:



Oh yeah - Owen: I saw the BERYL demo there on Heatwave - I'll be downloading that first :D.

Edited by RobertLM78
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As for TIImageTool there is going to be a major new release in short term, maybe in two weeks or so, including the GPL disassembler, picture viewer, and the DIS/FIX 80 disassembler, which attempts to create code that can be assembled again. The D/F disassembler still needs some polishing.

A GPL disassembler sounds awesome! 8)

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Please, please make the GPL Disassembler not backwards like every other one I have ever seen.


The only one I have found is good but the code is impossible to use as the output has all the values backwards.


DST @>8304(@>834C),V@>0400(@>835C)


comes out as


DST @4(@4C),V@0400(@5C)


As you can see this code is impossible to use and has to be used only if I modify each single line.

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