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WIP - Leprechaun

Rabbit 2600

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This is my current project called Leprechaun.


Story - Patrick O'Brien has followed a rainbow and found a leprechaun and his gold. Struck by greed O'Brien is snagging all the gold he can with the angry leprechaun trying to stop him. You play as Patrick O'Brien.


This is what the game looks like right now:




Current features:

Random position of Patrick O'Brien

Random position for the Leprechaun

Random position of the goldbar

Score for collecting goldbars


Coming features and improvements:

New graphics for the Leprechaun. I'm thinking of doing this:


Sound effects

Randomly placed pixels that kills Patrick O'Brien if he touches them (magick traps set by the Leprechaun.


Game Over screen


Game: default.bas.bin

Source: default.bas

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Haha, what the? XD Guess I'll have to choose a different theme then =)



Okay, I've settled for a new theme of the game.


Now it's about a rabbit eating lettuce while avoiding a fox and rabbit traps.

I'm currently working on the sprites.

This is what the rabbit looks like:



More to come.

Edited by Rabbit 2600
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Things are moving along slowly but surely. I dumped the theme about a rabbit and a fox and came up with a much better idea while I was cleaning. You are a maid, going about cleaning up messes. That's how far I've come. I'm thinking of doing an enemy of some sort, but what enemies does maids have? Little boys throwing balls at her? Any ideas? =)

The name of the game is - Housekeeping and the hero is named Consuela



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How about a game where you have dragon maids and you are a sexcrazed rabbit lord who goes up to the maids when bending over and initiates a sexgame alá Cathouse Blues/Gigolo >_>



Do we really want another "Horsing Around" insident on our hands? ;)

Edited by Rabbit 2600
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Little boys and dogs run through the house tracking mud everywhere which you have to clean up before hubby gets home. Bonus points if you can catch the kid and toss him out of the house, otherwise he tracks more and more dirt across the house. You can use the broom on the dogs, but not the kids.

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I did the sprite for the man. Only it is the owner of the appartment she is cleaning. Not her husband =) You have a certain amount of time to clean up all the filth in the room. If you fail the owner of the appartment comes in and chases you while shaking his fist. If he catches you, you are fired! If you clean the appartment you get a message saying "CLEAN!" And you go to the next appartment.


I'm gonna have to re-think some things. I can't do pixel collision and have Consuela clean up the pixels if there is more then 1 so I'm thinking of having 1 pop up at a time as soon as one has been cleaned, and you have to clean up 20 spots per room or something. I sitll haven't added movement to the man.


Does anybody know of any Atari 2600 games where you collect all the things then move on? I need inspiration =)


Here is the sprite of the man with Consuela:



The game so far:




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It's looking good. I think the theme goes well with the bB blank lines (the playfield being like wood logs of a log cabin, or wood paneling of the house).


I'm wondering though... why does the guy fire you when he catches you? Does he like a dirty house? Is he just that malicious that he would try to prevent the maid from doing the job for which he hired her, and then fire her when he succeeds at getting in her way? The maid really needs to whack him with her broom/vacuum and toss his butt back out the door.


I'm just being silly now. You've come a long way in a short time. Good work. Maybe think of some more explanation/story for our hero Consuela. :)



edit: Oh, maybe fill in that single eye-hole he has and give him hair instead. Consuela looks good with an eye because she's obviously in side-view, but since he looks like front view, the eye looks odd. Also, maybe make his fist 4 pixels and see how that looks.


Here are two pics: one with his mouth open like he's yelling, and the other with the added larger fist (not sure I like that after-all).


post-9364-0-37375800-1370313617_thumb.png post-9364-0-57020800-1370313616_thumb.png

Edited by KevinMos3
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Great ideas! I'll definetly add hair and mouth to the man. Thanks for the idea =)


As for the story:

Consuela is in the U.S illegaly and she is doing housekeeping for a living, but she has gotten slower in her old age and can't clean as fast as she used too. So the owners comes home before she is finished, and they don't want to see a maid in their house. Because she is so slow they want to fire her.


Here is the full game: Housekeeping.bin

It's also released at the homebrew thread.

I'll do an update to the man later today with your suggestions =)

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