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Atari FontMaker 1.3


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bob, I'm sure you are rediscovering world in full Hd now;-)

everyone who works with graphics software uses high resolution no matter platform used. I'm not gonna change this, believe me I have tried to fit application window into 1024 width during redesigning of latest version of fontmaker, but then I realised it is not necessary anymore.

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Ok, but then you should not use my fontmaker and take sheet of paper with gridlines, draw characters there using pen or marker and calculate respecive byte values of those characters... same as I used to do it when i was 9.


What a reminder of teh past.

that were the times!


This must have been a hard time for the C64 coders. Luckyly the A8 only has such low res sprites :)

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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys, fontmaker got new update.


Thanks you!


If you are open for improvements, I have the following suggestion:


A button which flips the char-set depiction upside down (with the selected char in the editor area too) could be quite helpful. Additionally I would appreciate if individual lines in the preview/testing area could be flipped vertically.

Use case: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/229103-new-game-in-development/page-2?do=findComment&comment=3067246


BTW: Your editor is really good and quick to use - esp. on touch screen devices!

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Thank you, MatoSimi!!!


I have some other feature requests that Abel is also aware of, and I think he has already told you about them:


  • Ability to select, copy and paste groups of chars in the charset (to reorganize font order), in the map (to redesign a sample playfield) and between them (from the charset to de map). Currently, we have to select and print one char at a time, and that turns to be quite tedious.
  • Select colors from Atari palette instead of from Windows one... both PAL and NTSC if I may request! ;)
  • And the most complex one: the ability to edit pixels directly over the map with some kind of magnifier. This should allow us to edit sprites that are formed by 2x2 or more characters from the set. Again, it's quite tedious to edit one piece of the sprite at a time.

Thanks again.

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  • 3 years later...



Fontmaker 1.4 has been released:



(changes related to export options implemented)

I added Linux support (using FreePascal + Lazarus), made the following changes:

- Conditionally include Windows/Unix units,

- Changed plain "MessageBox" with "Application.MessageBox",

- In Form1, use "FormCloseQuery" callback instead of manually catching WM_CLOSE,

- Use PathDelim instead of hard-coded '\' in path separators,

- Added implementations of "Get[RGB]Value" and "RGB", missing on Unix,

- Added a new implementation of "generateDataFile" using GetTempFileName and TStringList, as TFile is missing on Unix.


Attached is the new source, I verified that compiles with current Delphi "Community" edition and under Lazarus 1.8.4.


Also, attached is the Linux version.



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@dmsc: i just tried it, it works, however the splash-image is not in front of the editor window...so it is not being displayed upon start and also not displayed when clicking on About button.


I have sent you PM as well.




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@dmsc: i just tried it, it works, however the splash-image is not in front of the editor window...so it is not being displayed upon start and also not displayed when clicking on About button.

Strange, as it works in the Linux version. I will investigate.

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@dmsc: i just tried it, it works, however the splash-image is not in front of the editor window...so it is not being displayed upon start and also not displayed when clicking on About button.



I forgot to add the "Vcl.Imaging.jpeg" unit to the uses clause, now it works. Attached is the new sources and en EXE compiled with Delphi6, it's a lot smaller than the D2018 one.



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  • 5 months later...
  • 9 months later...
8 minutes ago, Sikor said:

Still miss 40-bytes wide screen mode for export map :( Only 32 characters in row instead 40 :( But thanx, good tools.

Sikor, if you want 40-bytes wide screen export use my Atari Map Maker, that's the correct tool for such task.



Note there is version 1.1 available on sourceforge, it seems I forgot to publish it on my website ?

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On 1/6/2020 at 4:54 PM, matosimi said:

Hi all,

Atari FontMaker 1.5 has been released.


There are lot of fixes and new stuff:


You can download it here:



Thanks again for sharing your Atari font tool. I use it often.


A couple additions that I would find useful:

1. Ability to type in the view area.

2. Some means to shift all characters in a font, simultaneously in any direction. 


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  • 3 months later...

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