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Anyone ever repaired the Tatsunoko fightstick for Wii?


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My Tatsunoko fightstick is starting to act up.




My guess is the wire that plugs into the Wiimote is not making contact properly because if I rest the Wiimote on my left the stick works fine (mostly) but if I rest the Wiimote on my right it stops working entirely. And even on the left when it does work, after a little while the game begins to act erratically, like the console is receiving tons of inputs all at once.




I checked this site about modding the stick to see what's inside the box. My hope is to replace the wire going to the Wiimote if I can. Looks like the other end of that wire splits and is glued in place. I can probably rip that off but this is looking like a bigger job than I anticipated.




Anyone ever fix one of these before? Is it hard? And more importantly where the heck can I get a replacement wire? Would the wire from a classic controller work?

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