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background colors instead of pfcolors


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i've read as much as I can find regarding multicolored backgrounds (not playfields) using kernel_option background. but.. it doesn't work. what am I missing?




set kernel_options pfcolors background


const noscore = 1


player0x = 35 : player0y = 27

player1x = 115 : player1y = 27




























COLUP0 = $44

COLUP1 = $94
































goto __Main_Loop

Edited by chickenxhat
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I don't have time to try myself, but it looks like you're using an invalid kernel_options combination.


Check out the chart at RT's website, specifically looking at lines that have "backround" enabled, near the bottom of the chart. There aren't any lines in the chart with just "background" and "pfcolors" enabled. You need to pick one of the chart lines and enable all of the options in it.

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thanks for the input, guys. attached is my latest, and with the use of multisprite kernel, i've abandoned the color method. i've now got several sprites on screen doing a couple different things. when the wasps move off screen, sometimes it seems that the scanline count increases (assumption) because it looks like it jumps or rolls. trying to track down why.


with my next gameplay mechanic i'd like to have the player bees pick up missile (nectar? pollen? whatever.) objects and carry them back to the hive. the code shows my current attempt at this, but it definitely isn't working. it checks for collision && joyXfire and is supposed to set the missile's coordinates to follow underneath the player. as soon as this takes effect the objects are no longer colliding. error!


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thanks for the input, guys. attached is my latest, and with the use of multisprite kernel, i've abandoned the color method. i've now got several sprites on screen doing a couple different things. when the wasps move off screen, sometimes it seems that the scanline count increases (assumption) because it looks like it jumps or rolls. trying to track down why.



I think you need to limit the sprites to the playfield (better)



the flowers aren't animated are they? so you can take their

definitions out of the loop

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excellent, will adjust. thanks! so.. no one here versed in action game stuff where your sprite is made to collect an item physically and manipulate it?


so when the bee picks up an object set a flag for that bee + that object

then if the bee moves and the flag is set moves move the object at the

same time in the same way or copy the bee's position (probably with an

offset) to the objects position

clear the flag to let loose of the object

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