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$250 for a Corcomp FDC seems a bit high, but then again, they are fairly uncommon to come up on eBay.


The only thing rarer is the Myarc HDFC... I think all the past and present owners of those keep them duct-taped together to squeeze out every bit of functionality they can until the cards die.

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I think I have a complete copy of TI Count somewhere around here. I am pretty sure it is up on WHT as well.


On the Exceltek Extended BASIC, it is just a third-party TI Extended BASIC cartridge, like the original version of Mechatronic Extended BASIC or the MicroPAL Extended BASIC. Each of them licensed it from TI, although the one from Exceltek is probably the rarest of the three.


Didn't Unicomp sell most of the Exceltec stuff? I remember four Exceltec carts, and have three of them.


1) Stargazer I, II, III (later released by DBT)

2) Arcturus

3) Killer Caterpillar

4) Extended Basic

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The only thing rarer is the Myarc HDFC... I think all the past and present owners of those keep them duct-taped together to squeeze out every bit of functionality they can until the cards die.


Your duct tape card would make a great retro cartoon. :)


Having repaired or services 100s of the HFDC cards, the main problems have always been the original regulators, heat-induced failure (usually the 7406 and 245 ICs) from poorly radiated regulators, and the original Motorola transceivers. Beyond that the cards are pretty much bullet proof, though with some drives they can be a bit cantankerous. If the card does stop working, it is usually still repairable by either Swim or myself.

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Your duct tape card would make a great retro cartoon. :)


Having repaired or services 100s of the HFDC cards, the main problems have always been the original regulators, heat-induced failure (usually the 7406 and 245 ICs) from poorly radiated regulators, and the original Motorola transceivers. Beyond that the cards are pretty much bullet proof, though with some drives they can be a bit cantankerous. If the card does stop working, it is usually still repairable by either Swim or myself.


That's good to know! I'm not surprised about the regulators... I'm still agog that Texas Instruments expected all the peripherals to have their own regulators for voltage. One of the reasons installing a quiet fan is more dangerous than it sounds; if you tried to hook it up directly to the power supply it would fry it in seconds.

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Unisource was the one selling Exceltek cartridges--and interestingly enough, they were listed as being released by Sunware in their Encyclopedic catalog. I just received a copy of that catalog this month (prior to that all I had were a couple of the pricing supplements to it). It lists quite a few cartridges, actually (there are about 20 in total, most of them extremely rare with an Exceltek label). I have Stargazer I, Killer Caterpillar, Arcturus, Extended BASIC, and I think one other. I also have a Sunware released cartridge.

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Unisource was the one selling Exceltek cartridges--and interestingly enough, they were listed as being released by Sunware in their Encyclopedic catalog. I just received a copy of that catalog this month (prior to that all I had were a couple of the pricing supplements to it). It lists quite a few cartridges, actually (there are about 20 in total, most of them extremely rare with an Exceltek label). I have Stargazer I, Killer Caterpillar, Arcturus, Extended BASIC, and I think one other. I also have a Sunware released cartridge.

I appreciate learning anything about Exceltec.
Unisource was a computer store in Lubbock, TX that flourished from 1983-1986. They sold TI-99/4A and C-64 and others.
I first saw Micropendium there. I never had the mail order catalog because I rode my bike over there. It was the place to go to see exciting stuff like SuperSketch and the MBX.
Sunware had an office a short distance away, in Pyramid Plaza Office Building. The pyramid itself was a sight. The TI West building was also nearby. I first saw the Sunware name placard while going upstairs to a restaurant that had an Omega Race video game (my kid brain was wired like a squirrel to recall all the arcade game locations).
The rumor was that some of the best TI game programmers were working at Sunware after TI. It was a mysterious place.
I played a Sunware Space Patrol cartridge at a friend's house (when it was still Sunware.) I think it came from the Unisource store.
I wanted to publish Bubble Plane as a cartridge, and got an informal meeting with a Sunware employee. I was trying out an Extended Basic compiler and didn't know if that would ever work out to make a game into a cartridge (no). I was told to come back when I had an all assembly language game. I also saw the Love Tennis game (I didn't admit I'd already seen a leaked copy.) Years later I really finished my game, using the Geneve to emulate bank switching for 32k cartridge (8k game + 24k graphics and level data). I didn't know how to get it published.
Unisource was in the news after a burglary in 1985. At the same time, multiple Corcomp 9900 MPES + dual floppy were offered for sale on a local bulletin board, cheap, $200 with printer. I persuaded my brother to buy one. My TI-Net BBS was developed on one MPES, and run on another one. I have a strong suspicion that the MPES was fenced. The seller, we'll call him Frank, was briefly enthusiastic about using the TI-99/4A and getting software to other new users. Then Frank abruptly left town, still owing my brother $60 for selling the printer to someone else.
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Decent shipping for you U.S. east coasters considering it's a loaded V2 PEB ...

Plus, one of the cleaner ones that has been taken care of ones I've seen lately:


Texas Instruments Expansion system with flex cable and cards


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$138 including shipping with all 4 standard cards... good deal for whoever picked that one up.

V1 and no returns this time, but super clean here as well for Midwest lookers:




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V1 and no returns this time, but super clean here as well for Midwest lookers:





Nice find. If I was just getting back into the TI world, I'd bid on this one. It even comes with an RS-232, granted that's not as important as it was six months ago, but still.

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Hmmmm.... a 99/4 PEB with the short fin back panel....


Most /4 push button PEBs I've seen have the long fin back panel (which is a crap design, IMO)


Same here. I have a rocker-switch with the short fins, and a push-button with the long fins. I figured that was the norm.

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I tell ya, man, I am sitting on a gold mine with all these rare carts in my possession :)


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2732292162001?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=273229216200&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Some very nice ones indeed! The Databiotics and Asgard cartridges are pretty rare...


Would it be fair to say there's probably less than 500 of any one of them? I would guess that they would have burned ROM's and done up cartridges to a minimum number, and then seen if they sold out of them or not.

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In the case of Asgard cartridges, they were pretty much made to order. There are probably 200-300 cartridges in the TOTAL Asgard cartridge population, with the majority of them being Tris and Typewriter99. Tris 2 is probably a distant third, with EduPack and Link down on the bottom for regular carts--and XB3 is a really difficult find.

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