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TI Related -- Ebay / Heads Up Notice


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Anyone has an idea how large is the TI 99/4a community (collectors/developers/enthusiast) ? Thanks.


There's another topic discussing that.. On facebook I have almost 500 people in the TI group.. 50 of which so far have answered my poll that they have their TI set up. another 45 or so have it stored..

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Here is a cheap way to pawn off your much-maligned TI joysticks: pair them with something someone would want


Very slick.


Damn. that IS sneaky! I like it! :thumbsup:

Of course if you win, you could always tell the seller to keep the joysticks so you'll not have to pay extra for shipping. ;)


Currently that's a good price on a UDS-10... and with the stuff associated with Stuart's browser going on publicly and behind the scenes, there may be a mini-run on those little gadgets in the next couple of months.

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Have some TI-99 stuff I'm getting rid of on Ebay:


some cartridges, Ed/Assem full package + learn assem book, Ti writer full package, MS multiplan full package + some extra books, 2 boxes of 5 1/4 disk, joysticks etc...

Just clearing out my closet.

Edited by hloberg
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Have some TI-99 stuff I'm getting rid of on Ebay:


some cartridges, Ed/Assem full package + learn assem book, Ti writer full package, MS multiplan full package + some extra books, 2 boxes of 5 1/4 disk, joysticks etc...

Just clearing out my closet.


Your shipping price for the disks and box is pretty high if it was reasonable I'd bid on them.

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Not sure how they shot themselves in the foot exactly. Looks like it already sold for its asking price. I can understand the dissapointment with not being able to get a rare item, but I also understand the sellers point of view. It's a decision each seller has to make whether to take the risk of selling internationally. I myself haven't done it yet and would be particularly afraid to with a valuable item.

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*sigh* How to shoot yourself into both feet:




Not just not selling outside of the US, but also insisting on shipping to PayPal address so that US-based shipping proxies are out of the loop as well. Well done, seller, well done. :roll:



I do the same thing for two reasons:


1) Customs forms are a bitch and in most cases I cannot be bothered with them, and the fact that I actually have to go to the Post Office for most of these shipments. Not to mention the number of people I have run into over the years who want me to lie on the forms about the purchase value of the item to save on their country's import duties.


2) If I do not ship to a PayPal-verified address then I lose any little bit of protection I have as a seller


eBay offers a US-based proxy shipment service, but IME most buyers do not want the delay. Frankly, if my item sells with those restrictions, I fail to see how I would be shooting myself in the foot.


Now, to be fair and honest about it, I will often make special arrangements with someone if they message me. And if it is a community item, like TI, Commodore, or Amiga, I will post up about it and give offer to do such.

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My point is that most items would sell much higher if foreign bidders were allowed. Certainly in this case. :)


And of course I understand that some people will forego this in order to have less hassle or risk. But that's what the ebay shipping program is for -- AFAIK there's zero risk or work for sellers.


Unfortunately ebay Europe is a wasteland for the TI 99. I couldn't get a Speech Synthesizer if it weren't for the US ...

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.....AFAIK there's zero risk or work for sellers...

I've heard otherwise. I can't remember where I was reading it (I think on the arcade forums). But there were reports that sellers were getting screwed because eBay global shipping often opens and re-packages items. Sellers were reporting that things were getting damaged because the good packaging they had done was undone by eBay, the item was damaged on arrival, the buyer filed a claim, and eBay didn't accept responsibility.

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eBay only wants to make money, but don´t wants to be responsible for anything. And now they grab for the shipping-fees :(

This is like all portals are working. ♪ money money money ♪ Nothing else matters. Same way like governments work, for power.


Sometimes I got things via eBay´s Global Shitting Program, luckily never had problems.

And for the seller, filling out one paper, for the shipping, is very easy. And yes, they repack any ship.

But there´s no real risk for the seller, as he get´s his money first.


And yes, the GRAM-Kracker here may have been gone for 400-550$ easily, but if the seller does not want,

this is his wish, and we only can respect that.



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