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TI Related -- Ebay / Heads Up Notice


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One of my co-workers co-opted the title as her own at work today. She definitely liked the idea, especially as a management adjustment tool: I am She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, now DO WHAT I SAY! ;)


I had to laugh--then she saw that I had my vampire teeth in and she quickly scuttled off to her office. . .

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Honey Ryder was hot, but Valenka is still my fav bond girl (and continues to sizzle (with a kick) in CineMax's Banshee.)


That being said though, does anyone beat Raquel Welch in One Million Years BC or Jane Fonda in Barberella???


(Not to mention Brigitte Bardot in anything (or nothing))

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I was lucky enough to obtain an Espial cartridge along with an original Miner2049er cartridge a year ago because a buddy no longer wanted them.


I'm not real impressed with the game, but I have never seen many of them pop up on ebay and when they do they usually go for a decent price.

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Way above my snack-bracket for that game (and he won't ship to Canada anyway).


Miner2049 (and Captain Beeble) were the first two Atari 800 games I ever played, and were always favorites back in the day so I have a particular affection for the Bounty Bob platformer, and picked it up as soon as I discovered it existed for the TI a couple years ago.


Graphically the TI version is spot on (except for missing elevator labels), but while I can still make it through the first 6-7 levels of the Atari version (actually completed it a couple times), I can't make it past level 3 on the TI.


Never liked the use of the sidecar expansion slot for these games though,,,I understand WHY they made them, but always concerned about the extra wear and tear on a port that was never designed for repeated swapping. And if I am going to wear out the expansion port for a game, I'm not going to spend $500 to do it (and it sure as heck isn't going to be Espial)


Don't see it with box and manual very often though.

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Way above my snack-bracket for that game (and he won't ship to Canada anyway).


Miner2049 (and Captain Beeble) were the first two Atari 800 games I ever played, and were always favorites back in the day so I have a particular affection for the Bounty Bob platformer, and picked it up as soon as I discovered it existed for the TI a couple years ago.


Graphically the TI version is spot on (except for missing elevator labels), but while I can still make it through the first 6-7 levels of the Atari version (actually completed it a couple times), I can't make it past level 3 on the TI.


Never liked the use of the sidecar expansion slot for these games though,,,I understand WHY they made them, but always concerned about the extra wear and tear on a port that was never designed for repeated swapping. And if I am going to wear out the expansion port for a game, I'm not going to spend $500 to do it (and it sure as heck isn't going to be Espial)


Don't see it with box and manual very often though.


The sidecar was to defeat the qi console's ROM cart block on the cart port.



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The sidecar was to defeat the qi console's ROM cart block on the cart port.



And it was an imaginative way to offer the games without the need for memory expansion or cartridge GROM support.


But still not ideal.


We sure do live in a different world as far as software licensing is concerned. I get that hardware manufacturers back then made most of their money off the software, but I often wonder if TI didn't shoot themselves in the foot with the QI os blocking 3rd party carts (although I guess by that point the 4A's fate was already sealed.)

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But ROM cartridges were not really blocked, they were just not listed in the selection list (which is bad enough). So did the game autostart on power-up, that is, without Master Title Screen?


Miner2049, (which also uses the expansion port) appears in the selection screen like a regular cart, and if you look at the pics of Espial, you'll see it had a reset switch right on the cartridge (and I believe it DID autostart when you turned on the console.)


Not sure about Arcturus (although if someone would like to send me an original Arcturus cartridge, I'd be more than happy to plug it in and report back).

Aw c'mon, it's for a good cause.

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Everybody is talking like this is legit. Am I the only one suspicious?


I doubt if anyone is going to bite with a STARTING BID of $500, so if it is a con, he's not the brightest con artist.


I'd be more suspicious if he had set the starting bid much much lower, and offered int'l shipping. If you're gonna run a scam you want the widest audience possible to ensure you hit a few suckers. This guy is restricting any possible sale to the tiniest handful of folks from a total pool of maybe 300-400 enthusiasts/collectors (and even fewer, since he only ships to the U.S.).


Nope, I think it's real, that he happened across it, found out it is extremely rare (especially with box and manual) and just has no idea what the value of 'extremely rare' is within the comparatively small TI community.


If he had listed it at $100, he probably would have sold it for $250-$300, but $500 is really pushing it.

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