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5200 joystick - why no 5 volts?


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So in the process of replacing the 15 pin cable on my wico keypad I realized the 5200 joystick doesn't use +5 volts (pin 12) at all. Any reason why? For some reason the wico keypad works fine without 5 volts. Just curious why the 5200 joystick doesn't. Is pot common 5 volts? I assume the only reason it is on the wico keypad is that it's there in case you use a trakball?

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the 5200 joystick scheme is very simple technically there is 5 volts at pin 9 but it is used in the rc charging circuit of the x and y


i know this because i use certain joysticks that have autofire and they are powered via that pin although dont try to charge your phone or use any power from it


in my exploration the pin 12 5 volts is used in conjunction with the x and y telling the system it is hooked to a trackball

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