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Curious about the Atari 5200


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Yesterday in the chatroom, a few people peaked my interest in the Atari 5200. ...


1.) Is there a way to expand the memory from 16KB to say.. 128KB or more.


2.) Would it be capable of the performance that an A800 would have? IE: Project-M, a Wolfenstien 3D remake, looks really impressive. So does the Space Harrier remake for the A800. Would the 5200, given it had enough memory, be capable of producing that kind of animation?


3.) Was there ever a gamepad made for the 5200? Or are the only options that one has is using a joystick?


1. No game would ever use more than 16K RAM, unless you consider an A8 ==> 5200 ported game which already needs 48K RAM. Mostly the hardware tweaks to 5200 have been programmable multi-carts, some alternate controller devices (like the 80's Masterplay Interface, or the 2000's AtariAge "Redemption" controllers - no longer made by the way). Some have modified it to output composite or S-video. That's the biggest problem I have with the 5200 (especially on an HDTV) - the RF video color bleed. For example, the boundary between land and river in 5200 River Raid shows a clear purplish line because of color bleed between the 2 colors at that pixel location. But on a CRT it looks how its supposed to.


2. Space Harrier's extremely expanded RAM and ROM requirements - I wouldn't ever expect to see it running on 5200, even though the 5200 hardware *could* run the game if 5200's RAM and ROM could be augmented like that. (RAM is the bigger issue which nobody is ever going to spend the time to 'fix').


3. See #1 reply. You can use Masterplay Interface (expensive and kind of rare), or AtariAge "redemption" gadget (even more rare nowadays) if you can find one, and then you can use a Genesis controller! (I use my Masterplay). Mind you, a functioning 5200 stick really adds to the fun of the system on many games.


For example, I love playing 5200 Missile Command with the analog stick! There's nothing like it on any other system. I like it more than (exhausting) trak-ball control. Same thing with 5200 Centipede - great analog control.


And there are tons of other carts that are still awesomely fun on 5200 - Space Dungeon, Berzerk, Gremlins, Star Raiders, also the newer homebrews such as Pac-man Arcade , Castle Crisis (Warlords port), and Tempest, to mention a few.


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I never understood why all the hate for the 5200 either.



I don't get all the hate towards the 5200.


Nor do I. It seemingly is just A8 users who can't fathom someone else getting enjoyment from a similar system in nicer packaging. Isn't the XE system mostly the same hardware? Yet there's no hate towards that system. Probably because there's little chance the XEGS might steal some love from the A8 line.

Sad. I have and love 'em both. no reason for anyone to constantly bash another system, especially when it's so very similar to the one you're comparing it to. Makes zero sense.

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As I see it, all of the following are the same - 400, 800, 600XL, 800XL, 65XE, 130XE, XEGS and the 5200.


It's all basically the same 8-bit tech, right? Maybe with different memory amounts, different internal configurations, but in the end identical.


Yes, the 5200 has some quirks and is not compatible with the 8-bit line. But at it's core it's basically the same thing, right? A 400 without a keyboard is how I remember reading it described as. The 5200's games look identical to the same game on an A8, and vice versa.


And that to me was one of Atari's failings - after the 2600, so much of what they put out - all of the above - are the same thing with different cases. Nothing really new came along until the 7800, and then the Lynx and Jag.


Now, when it comes to owning multiple systems, that's where the hardware aspect comes in. For me it's not just about playing the game; if it was, an emulator would suffice. For me, and I guess others, it's about using the hardware. So that's why I'll use a 400, and then a 2600 and then a 5200 - to use the authentic, aged, yet still working hardware.


Even if under the hood they're practically the same.

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I already have an A800, but I am at heart a console gamer. I would think as I get more acquainted with programming on the Atari 800, it might be fun to hack around with the 5200 and get it to do cooler things. It seems really untapped from what I've seen. It would be a bit nicer with more memory though.


I know people will say "Well, why don't you get a XEGS?".. Well, because I don't want an XEGS. I already have a computer.

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But other htan the


I already have an A800, but I am at heart a console gamer. I would think as I get more acquainted with programming on the Atari 800, it might be fun to hack around with the 5200 and get it to do cooler things. It seems really untapped from what I've seen. It would be a bit nicer with more memory though.


I know people will say "Well, why don't you get a XEGS?".. Well, because I don't want an XEGS. I already have a computer.


But other than the outward appearance, what is the difference, really?


And, yes, I have both myself.


As I see it, the XEGS is a "computer" - so is the 5200.


The 5200 is a "game console" - so is the XEGS. In fact, that's all the XEGS is without its keyboard - it even has a game built-in.


I also don't know what if anything more memory is going to do or get you for the 5200. See Cafeman's comments, he'd know best.

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Memory upgrade? For the 5200? *Scratches head* Wouldn't that change address modes of the system and make some, if not all, of the games incompatible? I have both as well and I will admit both have their good points and bad points. XEGS systems have a keyboard that has very mushy buttons and don't respond as well as the original A8s or the XL line. Likewise, the 5200 controller, while I believe to be an impressive piece of gear, can fail if it has not been properly cared for or is not used on a regular basis. Storing it for months on end does more harm than good. Emulation is great to try out games but the 5200 controller has always been a bugger to emulate and only the real thing can give the full potential of the system.


I would love to see the system be pushed to its limits. 16 KB of RAM is a lot more than what the 2600 had to deal with. The things that I have always found positive with the 5200 are: 1) It's an Atari and 2) it's fun, 3) It's kid-friendly. I like the fact that I don't need extra accessories to be able to play a game. Simply plug the cartridge in and power on the system. The 5200 is more "Plug 'n Play" than Windows ever has been. I love my 5200 and won't part with it for anything. I'd part with my 360 before I would part with my 5200, or any Atari console for that matter.


If it seems like I've gotten off track my apologies. The 5200 appears to be an underrated system which deserves more credit that it has ever received. It was the first full analog joystick (instead of knobs) that would not be seen again for a decade (Dual Shock), the first dedicated Pause function, and the first 4-player system. At its heart the 5200 is an arcade machine and a majority of its games make up a piece of arcade history. If you want to see the 5200 do something really cool, check out Space Invaders and reach the higher levels where the aliens start morphing into different shapes. It is the only port of that game that I've seen that does that and while it may share similar designs to the A8 port, it is one conversion that is not identical.

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