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GROAN [nothing to do with GROM] (-:


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This is a two-player dice game (you against the computer). The first to achieve a score chosen at the start of the game is the winner. Both of the dice have #1 replaced with a frown (groan). As long as no frown appears, the roller builds a running score & can roll again or pass. If one frown appears, the current tally is lost. If you get two frowns, everything is lost and the player goes back to zero.


This was originally in standard BASIC, published in the book "32 BASIC Programs For the TI-99/4a" by Tom Rugg, Phil Feldman, and Raymond Alen (dilithium Press; 1984). I modified it sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s to my liking.


Some changes included...


- gave the pips on the dice an appropriate shape (changing the character code of the asterisk)

- the dice originally were a different color each time they appeared; I chose to keep them always black and the background white


- added some delays


- compressed lines; combined CALL CHAR statements


- centered the coin-flip animation...where the dice appear...and the location of some of the text (which I altered by removing or adding words, too)


- added a keypress for when it's your time to roll; there was too-much that was automatic and I wanted it the player to feel like they were doing something


- added a "PLAY AGAIN?" option


It's certainly not the greatest, but I thought it was a bit enjoyable.


GROAN original BASIC version.zip

Edited by GratedTopping
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