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The NEW High Score Club S2 ~ Weeks 17/18 ~ Unique Week 3


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Significant, but still pathetically small, impovement on Centipede: 47,242.


Nice improvement on Spider-Droid: 5,323. Love that game.


And now someone tell me how you can achieve such scores on Spider Fighter. That game is insanely fast - impossible for any human being to react to those bullets.

There is a trick to it. Waves 1 2 and 3. The main bug drops off other bugs right away. So stick to left side of screen to shoot them all before they have time to move. Wave 4 the main bug will swoop down and drop a bug low. Soon as it does kill it and then kill bug. Sometimes it take a bit for that one to drop any. So just stay away untill it does. Also the game does not increase in speed with high scores. So once ur used to it. Its easy.

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Centipede: 49637 ( sorry it's upside down)


I hate this game! The controls are terrible! I'm used to a trak ball controller.


The arcade version was superior! The trak ball controls are really good, and you don't get frustrated with it! The other day I was playing it at the arcade, along with Ms pacman. Good times


Ps could someone PLEASE give me tips? (Cough cough gsampson)



Edited by Botbird208
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Centipede: 49637 ( sorry it's upside down)


I hate this game! The controls are terrible! I'm used to a trak ball controller.


The arcade version was superior! The trak ball controls are really good, and you don't get frustrated with it! The other day I was playing it at the arcade, along with Ms pacman. Good times


Ps could someone PLEASE give me tips? (Cough cough gsampson)


Tip 1 : Keep the bottom section of the screen clear as much as you can.


Tip 2 : Always kill spiders.


Tip 3 : Ignore fleas. But clean up the mushrooms after them.


Tip 4 : Poisoned mushrooms can make killing the centipede off the start very easy.


Tip 5 : If centipede segements are at the bottom of the screen and keep respawning. Focus on spiders and last as long as you can for extra lives.


Tip 6 : Never depress the fire button :)

Edited by gsampson35
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Some improvements...


Centipede: 51,990.

Spider Fighter: 20,050.

Spider Droid: 6,433.


I really like Spider Droid. I don't care too much for Centipede, though I do appreciate it a little more after playing it this week. Spider Fighter... well... I am not that bad a player, and my reflexes are kind of ok for my age, but I have not the remotest idea how you guys get scores like that. My score of 20k was a one-hit wonder. Normally, I die miserably at 8k or so. The tips mentioned here didn't help me at all - too lightning-fast.




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Improvement on Spider Fighter. Still hate this game :grin:


Spider Fighter: 37,690.


(edit) Got a question. The banana level always kills me. Will the game stay that fast if I manage to live through that, or does it get a bit slower again? Just asking, because if it gets slower, I might just give it another try or two.


Edited by karokoenig
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Improvement on Spider Fighter. Still hate this game :grin:


Spider Fighter: 37,690.


(edit) Got a question. The banana level always kills me. Will the game stay that fast if I manage to live through that, or does it get a bit slower again? Just asking, because if it gets slower, I might just give it another try or two.





I believe it stays the same. But don't let that discourage you. All of the sudden, it could start clicking for you and the speed won't matter much!

Edited by Gorfy
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