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Will this plug work with my Atari 2600


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Hi all, I just bought an Atari 2600 Vader style unit with 2 Gemini controllers for $7.99. The power plug that came with it is a Archer Ac Adapter that can be used for different items. My question is will this plug work for my Vader unit? The plug states Input: 120 V AC 60Hz 12W and out put :9V DC 500mA. I ask because my other Atari plug states for input 9W not 12W so I just don't want to ruin anything. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks


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more watts is fine

more amps is fine


those deal with the capacity of the supply, the console will take what it needs from that


and since most video game systems have an on board regulator a little more volts isnt going to kill it either (though I would not go above 12, cause it starts getting hot at 12)

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