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Dreamtime - What is it you like to see most? Running...


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I like to try out Defender - via Altirra - but I don't know the keyboard? controls for it, to even get it started? Where are the 1,2,3 keys and start button? Every likely key or function key doesn't seem to work?

Is this the best Defender there is? For the Atari 400/800 etc there is Dropzone, which is basically Defender of course - and this is extremely playable, with the graphics done top notch - fast smooth serious action all the way...

I thought the Atari 400/800 Defender was very disappointing, and I like to see how the 5200 version compares?


There was a post from someone wanting a more accurate Pole Position - but when you play Pole Position on Mame - it's actually one very tough game. I personally can't see a better Pole Position than the current/old one (only played the 400/800 version) though it had 2600 like graphics for the cars.


The thing is with any kind of project to do - it has to be worthwhile doing. Maybe something along the lines of Blue Max maybe - or a new better improved Zaxxon? I haven't played or even seen Desert Falcon running, to know whether this would be a worthwhile port or not...

Maybe a better (updated) Miner 2049'er game? Or a new Boulderdash styled game....


I did like/enjoy Bristles a lot - so I would like to see more new screens, etc for this game.


This may seem like a stupid question - but I guess I have to ask this.

With a game running on the Atari 400/800 - why port it over to the 5200 - if it's a lot of trouble/time/etc to do so?

eg. Your most want to see list of Atari 400/800 games which require 32k and more...

ie. The best 400/800 games you can think of - Necromancer, Blue Max, Dropzone, International Karate, Encounter, Bristles. etc etc


Laptop PCs have been getting cheaper and cheaper and more powerful - that you can run emulator games which are practically indistinguishable from their original hardware - and you can't flaw Mame. And you can connect a HDMI cable to a large screen LCD/etc TV.


So I think it's better to do new/different versions, rather than straight ports/copy of a game.

And is there any point in redoing a game, but just improve the graphics?



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