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Weird interference with 2600 games and LHE mod


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I already posted this over on the Hardware board, but I would really like feedback on this so I figured I'd post about it here so it'll (hopefully) get more attention. Anyway, I've been encountering a strange interference problem when I play 2600 games on my modded 7800, which has the LHE board. It's mainly noticeable on dark-colored backgrounds (especially blue) and nothing I've tried has gotten rid of it. I've used shielded wire, shortened my wires (which on a side note, totally eliminated the need for the TIA9 switch) and even tried disconnecting the MARIA chroma, all for nothing.


This problem has been here ever since I modded my 7800; here's some pictures of the interference, featuring level 1-3 of Princess Rescue:




Edited by ApolloBoy
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My 7800 LHE mod in S-Video has just the faintest hint of that dark in the blue on Princess Rescue.

Sorry, I can't offer any help, but just to report that mine has a faint similarity.

I have the switch in also for cleaner 7800 by switching TIA, of course when in 2600 it just give a black & white picture.

The mod was in the last run serial number X 7800, but when I found out it would not play certain homebrew games like beef drop and scramble, I got an older serial number A1 model and switched it there, modding the X to composite with a transistor and 3 resistors.

If it is not a problem with the LHe board, it may just be because there are more than 6 revisions of the 7800. Just guessing.

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  • 3 years later...

Bringing back this thread as I recently bought a 1984 7800 and I'm thinking of transferring my LHE mod over to that system. For anyone that has an expansion port model (or heck, even one of the later Taiwan models) with an LHE mod, do you get this kind of interference?

Edited by ApolloBoy
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