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Outrun 800 port...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I talked with the coder (one of them?) in private some time ago to know how they were doing things there because of challenge that someone (a C64 guy) post to me to find a way of how would we build a race game on A8 like Lotus or Out Run.

From is answer I get the idea that he still wanted to finished it but has no time now.

He's a member of AA and if you can find that old Sal's Atlantis Software w.i.p. games you know who he is. Just don't want to say it's name and people start 'bombing' his Messenger here.


Technically it seems the first time we would see a race game on A8 done in charmode exactly like C64 always working also in their charmap. Only big difference it's that on A8 things are harder because cars are a mix of software sprites and PMGs. Maybe because of this that you can see in one of the Out Run YouTube videos the 'bug' on the road turns. And probably what also get the coder(s) confused and we are still waiting for the game...


Rybags were giving some advices at the begining but abandoned it a long, long time ago because of different opinions about 'How To' build the game. He said here some time ago that he doesn't know anything about it's current situation but could probably say something if any coder wants to get a game of this type onto A8, probably a simpler and quicky 'way of'...

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If he ever succeed and the similar way to build any other racing games like this one:


Out Run has a wider car and the guy and girl inside so, if I remember it correctly our car has all the PMGs used.

For a same type game but with small wide cars you can use like here PM0 and PM1 on our car (higher priority because our car is always on the backs in front of the enemy cars) with P2 and P3 to get a main colour and two cars per line possible.

Road and Black contours are PF0 and PF1 where Grass is BAK .

PF2 and PF3 are the Trees, Trucks, Buildings,... on the sides that with DLIs can change the two for what gfxs object you have on the sides.


What we need to get this is they finish Out Run the way I think he said to me or someone following the same way build a road wich can have the turns and the cars in charmode ANTIC4. Then the PMGs on the cars would be the least problem, I think...

Edited by José Pereira
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My idea for the game was to use VScrol tricks as part of generating the road, with truncated Mode 4 lines which could aid the distance effect and also give some degree of free scaling on softsprites.


Re the game itself, not exactly one I seek out, my opinion was/is that Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge would be a similar technical challenge and a much better game to do.


That said, any driving game which aims to give the driver perspective is a challenge on an 8-bit computer and each machine has it's strengths/weaknesses in the area.


A8 has a big advantage with Pole Position in that a DLI was able to be used to do all the road curvature using HSCROL + LMS tricks, hence the fact that the road movement looks so much better on A8 than practically all other versions.

But the downside is that playfield then becomes unusable for practically anything else because you don't want anything other than the centre-lines to have that same curved distortion as the road.

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