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PC-50x Family cartridge help


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I've finally tracked down the Tank game for this family of consoles but typically for this system due to the sheer volume of clones the cartridge is a different size and shape to my system (and other game carts).


Now I know all sytems use the same chips so theoretically should work on any PC-50x system. Is it possible to adapt the cartridge to fit my system ? Or are my only options to get another PC-50x system which accepts these size cartridges or keep looking out for a cart that will fit my system ?

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  • 4 years later...

Managed to pick up a Radofin PC-50x System which accepts these size cartridges for a mere £5, strange how it is easier and more cost effective to buy additional systems rather than variants of the cartridges.


Regards the game it is just like Combat on the 2600, impressed with the beefy sound and bespoke controllers.


Apart from the Fundamental cartridge (which Im not interested in as its just more Pong) I now have all the PC-50x games. They are a fun distraction but the second generation was indeed a great leap.

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