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Atari 2600 Jr No Audio


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I have a 2600 Jr that plays games perfectly video is great but no sound will come though the TV. I have tried my other 8 consoles and no issues with sound so it is with the system it self. I checked the board for bad solder joints and leads but everything appears to be in perfect order. Any ideas where to begin to diagnose the issue. Would doing the AV mod fix the issue? I have a few AV kits but am saving them for some other systems I have.

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  • 2 months later...

you could always try to see if audio is coming out of the TIA.

get a cinch plug, solder the input wire to the A3 hole on the board (right next to the TIA) and ground to the metal strip on the board for ground.

then put it in an AV audio input of your tv and boot the atari with a game that has audio on the main screen (maybe something like E.T. which plays music the minute you power up your atari)

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