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Commando game repro for A7800


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Cartridge arrived today and I am a very happy and satisfied customer. It came in a heavy duty padded envelop with the cartridge placed in a sealed transparent bag and then tripled layered in bubble wrap. To say it was well packaged is an understatement.


The cartridge looks incredible and Panos was right – KevinMos3 does professional work, but there’s no real surprise there as well. Nonetheless, it is really stunning and the label is of very high quality and it looks gorgeous.


Remember, all the internals are brand new. This includes the POKEY chips which were ordered through B&C ComputerVisions. The work including labor of love put into this product speaks for itself. I am highly impressed.


As expected, the game looks and plays flawless in NTSC mode. As a kicker, one of my 7800’s has the US BIOS swapped out, for the Euro OS with Asteroids built-in. Switching regions for the cart was as easy as unfolding a paper clip placed about 0.5” into the pin hole and you feel the switch/button toggle.


Start her up, and you can instantly see the copyright info begin much further down the screen as well and the title screen being shifted – Exactly what I would expect from the PAL behavior of the cart. Unfortunately, I do not have a universal or PAL display device, so starting a game just causes it to hang.


Switching back to NTSC mode was just as easy, and the game played perfectly again. Panos has done an incredible job with this cart and if any US 7800 owners were a little concerned about ordering overseas from Greece, rest assured, even with the holiday delay, this package arrived fast and in excellent shape.


Thank you Panos for your professional product and positive attitude; it is greatly appreciated and hope you remain an asset to the 7800 community.

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Hi santosp, haven't yet received my cart but I got thinking.


I would probably replace the 27c020 with a 27c040 (the only difference is to cut your 27c020 PGM trace as that is A18 on 27c040) and use a second switch to select among 4 128K banks rather than the 2 available now.

Now regarding making other 128K games beside commando work on your PCB I was reading http://www.atarihq.com/danb/7800cart/7800%20bankswithcing%20guide.txt and it appears that a way to swap Pokey with bank6 at $4000-$7fff (or maybe floating in same cases) is all that is needed to have the rest of the games marked as 78SG (SG=supergame) and without extra RAM to work. [in the doc 78S9 is for games that have an extra 16K of ROM mapped right there so 144K]

I believe hardcoding bank6 and forget of the floating cases instead of Pokey would do the trick (you mentioned you had issue with Ikari warriors and I believe it is due to the lack of Bank6 mapped where Pokey is on Commando),.


The 4 banks of a 27c040 would allow to put Commando + either 3 of Basketbrawl, Fatal Run, Ikari, fixed Impossible Mission, Midnight Mutants, Ninja Golf, Xenophobe, haven't decide what I care for the most but they all are kind of expensive on their own right


A 27c080 is also a possibility as it only moves VPP [pin1] out of your way and uses it is as A19 [so a triple switch would work here with A17/A18/A19, pin30/31/1 respectively].

With a triple switch and a 27c080 and assuming we can swap Pokey for all but Commando (a selector can be made to default Pokey if triple Switch is OFF-OFF-OFF for example -> so Commando would have to be in first 128K), then we get 8 games to be available and that is plenty [actually I could fit my whole selection in there].


So my question is how hard would it be to find a way to switch a "fix" bank 6 on the $4000-$7fff with the Pokey [maybe this could be its own switch], I am afraid that the fact that Pokey just maps 16 addresses over the whole space made you design the PCB so it may be quite hard to retrofit the remaining decoding logic.


I understand this could be the beginning of a multicard, but it seems what you did is so close that what would be needed to complete it almost begs to be done ;-).

Edited by phoenixdownita
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So my question is how hard would it be to find a way to switch a "fix" bank 6 on the $4000-$7fff with the Pokey [maybe this could be its own switch], I am afraid that the fact that Pokey just maps 16 addresses over the whole space made you design the PCB so it may be quite hard to retrofit the remaining decoding logic.


I understand this could be the beginning of a multicard, but it seems what you did is so close that what would be needed to complete it almost begs to be done ;-).


This is also my question my friend. I am not a programmer as to know how, and if someone could inform us a successful way to do it, is very simple to me to redesign a new pcb as to be available for everyone. ;)

And believe me this pcb will have a more "magic way" :-D to change all the banks of 27C080 eprom, plus the Pokey address, but this is another story.....


Your parcel need 10 days until arrive.

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This is also my question my friend. I am not a programmer as to know how, and if someone could inform us a successful way to do it, is very simple to me to redesign a new pcb as to be available for everyone. ;)

And believe me this pcb will have a more "magic way" :-D to change all the banks of 27C080 eprom, plus the Pokey address, but this is another story.....


Your parcel need 10 days until arrive.

Hey Santosp, how is the Atari scene in Greece?

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Landed safely over here. It all works.

I'm kind hesitant in opening it up to butcher it in order to attempt to support "fix page 6 instead of Pokey" to test other 128K games.

It does look neat and well done and I like playing commando on its own right.

Oh well, I guess i should have asked for a spare PCB only + Pokey so I could have gone down to business.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, this custom commando cart sounds really cool and looks beautiful. Well done.


Santosp -- any chance you would partner with PacManPlus (author of Bentley Bear Crystal Castles) to do a limited POKEY run of BBCC? I would gladly pay $50 (or maybe double that so you and PacManPLUS each get their cut) for a cart version of Bentley with an embedded POKEY chip, that would run on a stock 7800 without needed the XM Module to have pokey sound.


Bentley Bear is a 144k game. ROM's are here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/199637-work-in-progress-bentley-bear-crystal-quest/page-32?do=findComment&comment=2858283


Please reach out to him if you are interested.

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Wow, this custom commando cart sounds really cool and looks beautiful. Well done.


Santosp -- any chance you would partner with PacManPlus (author of Bentley Bear Crystal Castles) to do a limited POKEY run of BBCC? I would gladly pay $50 (or maybe double that so you and PacManPLUS each get their cut) for a cart version of Bentley with an embedded POKEY chip, that would run on a stock 7800 without needed the XM Module to have pokey sound.


Bentley Bear is a 144k game. ROM's are here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/199637-work-in-progress-bentley-bear-crystal-quest/page-32?do=findComment&comment=2858283


Please reach out to him if you are interested.


Won't work, but this will...



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Hi CloakandDagger, and thank you very much for your good words my friend. :thumbsup:


I believe cause PacManPlus have find the way as to make his game on a cartridge form. Make a better search on A7800 forums, and you will understand me. ;)

One more time thank you. :)

Edited by santosp
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  • 2 months later...


The 7800 is not exactly the NES in popularity, so whether I am in need or interested in the product (Or even able to purchase it), I am glad to have one offered and the complete openness of its origin and background, in addition to your positive vibe towards the 7800 community and user base. You’re doing a hell of a job at communicating in a language that is not your native tongue as well. PM sent.


Agreed. However, I must say... The 7800 version of Commando is MUCH better than the NES version. The NES version is ridiculously glitchy.


I'm very happy that I caught this thread in just the nick of time... and managed to get the last copy of this game. Looking forward to it's arrival. :)

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