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Track Ball modes & hacks ?


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I pulled out my old WICO track-ball that I used with an Atari 800. I would like to convert it to USB in order to use it on a PC.


I read through a lot of Internet artcles & realize track-balls can work in a joystick mode or a true track-ball mode. I also read that Atari Trak-Balls have a switch to select either mode. But I'm not sure what mode my WICO uses. Some comments I read state it works in the joystick mode. However because I bought it to use with the Atari 800 computer is there any chance it works in a true track-ball mode? IOW maybe there are different versions of WICO track balls?


I mention that because some WICO track-balls I see advertised state they work with Atari, Commodore, etc., such as this one. I'm just not sure which mode this one operates in.



My WICO has no model # on it that I can find, but it does have an "AT" sticker on one side. I would think that means for Atari. If so, would that mean it does not run in joystick mode? IOW why specify "AT"?


I opened up the WICO & there is an IC in there. I Googled the part #, which led to a WICO patent. Part of the Summary states "In connection with the foregoing object, it is another object of this invention to provide means for selectively conditioning the adapter to operate in two different modes for respectively adapting the trackball device to switch-type or proportional-type joystick inputs".


Can my WICO track-ball be made to work with a PC in some mode?


- part 2 to follow -


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Here is part 2 -


I bought one of these Retrolink Atari to PC USB adapter cables for use with a joystick. I read some comments that it does not work with track-balls & that is true, at least with my WICO unit. It does work with the joysticks.

The WICO track-ball needs power & I checked the Retrolink and there is no 5V on pin #7 as needed by the track-ball.

Does anyone know if I use the Retrolink and provide a separate 5V supply to the track-ball will it work? If so any guess which mode?

I’ve seen the WICO hacks using the circuit of a USB mouse. If I have to proceed down that path, are there any helpful hints to make sure it works?

Thanks in advance.

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