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Preferred controller option


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I have three different types of joysticks for my 5200. I have a Competition Pro, a Wico, and the standard stock joysticks. I find some games will work better with different joysticks than others. Below is a list of the games that I currently have, and which controller option I prefer for that game.


Missile Command - Stock joystick

Super Breakout - Stock joystick

Space Invaders - Competition Pro

Star Raiders - No preference

Galaxian - Competition Pro

Pac Man - Competition Pro

Qix - Competition Pro

Centipede - Stock joystick

Vanguard - Competition Pro

Pole Position - Wico

Defender - Wico

Berzerk - Competition Pro

Kangaroo - Competition Pro

Pengo - Competition Pro

Joust - Competition Pro

Popeye - Stock joystick


Unfortunately I don't have a trackball, and I'm sure some of these games would be better with that. I do find however that the stock joystick is an adequate replacement for a trackball. Do you guys prefer any specific joysticks with certain games?

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for a digital controller on a 5200 I use either a "Coin Controls Comp. Pro" (to me these feel kind of bulky and odd in hand, but manageable)

or a "slik stik" and Masterplay interface. (a more expensive set up but well worth it to be able to use any 2600/7800 stick on a 5200!)


For analog I use a Wico Command Control 5200 with y cable and stock 5200 stick for game start ect. Some games are just better with this stick, for me Moon Patrol must be played with it because of the button configuration (2 buttons on one side of the stick for jump and shoot)


Pretty much if you have a Comp. Pro (digital), a Wico (analog), and a working stock 5200 stick you will be set for every game in the 5200 library. You could probably get one of each for around $100 or less and be set!

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I prefer an adapter and Sega Arcade Pad for most 5200 games. It's an absolute must for Super Cobra, which is a little slice of hell without a digital pad. I can't think of a single game that I'd want to play with the stock controller... the handful of games that demand analog control are best played with the Wico Command Control.

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I use the stock sticks with most of the games. Missile Command, Centipede and Millipede I have the trakball. I have a custom made paddle for games like Kaboom, and Super Breakout. I have a Wico, a Com Pro and a bunch of home made controllers I bought over the years. I still find myself using and liking the originals.

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I use the stock sticks with most of the games. Missile Command, Centipede and Millipede I have the trakball. I have a custom made paddle for games like Kaboom, and Super Breakout. I have a Wico, a Com Pro and a bunch of home made controllers I bought over the years. I still find myself using and liking the originals.

Post pics of those customized controllers! We need some pic collection of the various customized controllers for both the 5200 and 7800...

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I prefer the stock sticks for most games. Although I have a few Wico sticks and have been using them more than I normally do, I think they are odd feeling, hard to keep centered and the handle looks like a butt plug. I also think the button feels bottomless and that bothers me too.


For Tempest, Centipede, and Missile Command I like the trackball. When I do use my Master play I have a cx40 I modified with a 2nd button. I did the same to Coleco Gemini stick a long time ago and sometimes I like using that. When I do use the master play it is normally for the conversions like Demon attack, Desmond Dungeons, Laser Gates...

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Although I have a few Wico sticks and have been using them more than I normally do, I think they are odd feeling, hard to keep centered and the handle looks like a butt plug.


That's too funny. When I first got my 5200, it came with a Wico. As soon as they saw it, my friends immediately began referring to the joystick as "the butt plug".

Edited by namedjughead
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That's too funny. When I first got my 5200, it came with a Wico. As soon as they saw it, my friends immediately began referring to the joystick as "the butt plug".


You just know someone has shoved that thing up their ass. Humans can and will fit just about everything into every orifice, even if it's not wise or healthy.

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I use the stock Controller (rev 9, tighter boots, 3 dots per fire)for games like Super Breakout, or Star Raiders. Star Raiders needs the number pad, I don't feel like fumbling. The side fire button is agony at times. I had an additional so-so controller for the control holder.


I just sanitized my Wico. (I used) To use it for some games, but I have been using it less. and less. It is a fine solution, and feels old-school.


My favorite way to play is with the Makopad for the PC. I have a cable to make it interface with the 5200. I can hook up a stock on it, but it also has a start button on it. The Makopad allows for analog, and digital, at the flick of a switch. N64 had the same pad, and it was better than the stock N64 controller. I can also use my thumb for the analog (and d pad), making for a more modern feel. I can play just about everything (save Robo, and SD).


I have a trackball that I want to try to fix.


I no longer feel I need a Redemption, or MC (outside of collecting).


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  • 2 weeks later...

I prefer my stock, rebuilt joystick for my 5200. I also have the trakball and really like it, but lately haven't had the space to set the beast up. So, it is stored in its original box until later. I have a few other stock joysticks I just found that need totally rebuilt. Might either have those done or try myself later on.

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