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Intellivision "Puppet Theatre" game


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I was poking around on Papa Intellivision's site and found a single reference to a game called Puppet Theatre.


It was listed as a "Scheduled for 1980 Introduction" in a Sears document dated October 24, 1979. I wasn't able to find any other reference to this game.


Does anyone know if this game was simply cancelled or did it morph into another game?


Here's a link to the document. It is on page 8.


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Never heard of that before. Also noticed that under the planned Cassettes for 1980 they included Yoga and Disco Dancing! Sweet!

Interesting that eight of the ten colour manual games are listed for late 1979 release with Space Battle and Word Fun missing, although Word Fun is mentioned as coming out in Jan 1980. Weird that Space Battle isn't listed among the next two batches. I wonder if they got feedback from the early testers asking for arcade action and Space Battle got moved up the release schedule?

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Space Battle was Battle Star Galacitca.... They may have been trying to work out legal "stuff" and didn't want to get in to any trouble?


The first time I played it, I new it was Battle Star, The ships and radar screen looked exactly like the show to me as a 9 year old.


I guess we had better imaginations back then?


But like you say, maybe they just needed an aracde action game and 1 player!

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I've never heard of "Puppet Theater". What a strange name for a game. What could it be?


It's interesting that this document describes the keyboard component as having an additional 1610 processor (just like the master component).

But in the final version, they changed the keyboard component to a 6502 processor. I don't know why. From a programming point of view, two 1610's sounds interesting - especially with dual port ram.


Perhaps Mattel decided they needed Microsoft Basic on the keyboard component. Since Mricrosoft Basic had already been written for the 6502 (for the Pet and Apple computers), maybe it was easier (or faster or cheaper ) to change the processor than to pay Microsoft to develop a 1610 basic????

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It's interesting that this document describes the keyboard component as having an additional 1610 processor (just like the master component).

But in the final version, they changed the keyboard component to a 6502 processor....


I noticed that as well. I was guessing that the 6502 was perhaps a cheaper processor and switching from a 1610 to the 6502 was a cost-cutting effort. However, your thoughts on Microsoft BASIC being cheaper to develop are interesting as well. Hmm...



Interesting that eight of the ten colour manual games are listed for late 1979 release with Space Battle and Word Fun missing...


Galactica (later called Space Battle as 1980gamer points out) does get mentioned in some other Papa Intellivision / General Instruments documents both before and after the "Puppet Theatre" / Sears document. Word Fun also gets mentioned in the same document after the "Puppet Theatre" / Sears doc. It is odd that both games are missing from the Sears document.


Here's a timeline:

All rather interesting... <strokes beard thoughtfully>

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  • 4 months later...

Since today is apparently "revive old threads" day...


I made some inquires about this last year but forgot to post the results (I was hoping to get more info...)


Ray Kaestner wrote:



You are digging on that one. I vaguely remember a screen that I saw that looked like a stage for a puppet theater and some Punch and Judy like characters on the screen. Was that for Intellivision or for the keyboard component? The timeframe I am thinking could have been either, though the keyboard component things were boring stuff like Jack LaLane. But it was so long ago, not sure if I really remember it or am just making it up because I want it to be true!




Keith Robinson said:



It is on one of the schedules we have; something APh was working on. Someone, possibly Gabriel, killed it after one of the APh reviews. I never saw it and we have nothing else on it except for the name. Possibly Gabriel and/or Dale Lynn might remember something about it. I'll ask them.


That's all I know...

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Since today is apparently "revive old threads" day...


I made some inquires about this last year but forgot to post the results (I was hoping to get more info...)


Ray Kaestner wrote:





Keith Robinson said:



That's all I know...


Hey, catsfolly, I know you were part of a later wave of BSR's, but I'm sure you must have some stories of your own to tell. Would you be willing to share them with us? At the very least to make yourself available for a podcast interview? I'd love to hear your stories. :)



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Hey, catsfolly, I know you were part of a later wave of BSR's, but I'm sure you must have some stories of your own to tell. Would you be willing to share them with us? At the very least to make yourself available for a podcast interview? I'd love to hear your stories. :)



I did an interview with the Intellivisionaires a few weeks ago - we talked about Mattel Electronics a bit. Hopefully it will be released in one of their upcoming podcasts.

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I did an interview with the Intellivisionaires a few weeks ago - we talked about Mattel Electronics a bit. Hopefully it will be released in one of their upcoming podcasts.

It's in episode 8, which I'm finishing up production on this weekend. Should be out by Sunday.

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It's in episode 8, which I'm finishing up production on this weekend. Should be out by Sunday.


Whoa! I better get crackin' and catch up! The last one I started was Episode 6, where I got stuck on the intro song... again!



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I have a 30-page legal document to read tomorrow, otherwise I probably would give cmart a run for his money. Sea Battle is one of my top 3-games, possibly my favorite - really looking forward to podcast #8. I did 1 thru 7 in a month because I was way behind, but now that I'm caught up it should be really easy to stay current. Keep up the great work guys!!

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