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Which Deoxit for cleaning INTV cartridges?


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I've never bought Deoxit.


I've cleaned some carts with 90% alcohol, but that isn't enough. They're squeaky clean but have to be messed with to get them to work. I read that some people use Deoxit, but there's sprays, kinds with a brush, etc. Which for cleaning cartridges, for INTV and also for other systems?


Is this something that you just spray on and done, or do you have to scrub and then wipe it off or something? I'm thinking the spray can would not be ideal as we don't want to spray all over our cartridge housing, etc. Also, where is a good place to get Deoxit?


Sorry for the newbie question, but it seems to me that INTV carts oxidize worse than other systems. Was playing INTV tonight and it was like using an NES with a dirty cart slot.....minus the blinking red light.


Thanks for any info. :)

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Either the paint on or spray one is fine. Apply it, let it penetrate for a couple minutes then wipe clean. Spray is good for cart slots, spray a short burst in. You can insert and remove thick cardboard into the cart slot to clean it. I like the paint on one for carts because it is easy to apply just to the contacts. The paint on one comes with cleaning cloths and qtips.


- J

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This is what i use. Since it's not cheap i only use it on games that need a little more scrubbing, and i use it clean the cartridge slots on the systems themselves.


For carts i lightly, very lightly spray some on a q-tip.




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I use deoxit, it's awesome! There's several different kinds but I use the red label D5 and also recommend deoxit F5 fader lube. It's made especially for plastic to metal contacts, cleans and lubes everything. Good stuff, experience but worth it! Get it from eBay, big ol can for about 15 bucks shipped to your door. ;-)

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Another vote for D5. I have a spray can of it, and just spray it on a a-tip when I clean a cartridge.

Same here!


Though, I've got a TI cart that nothing seems to be working well on. No matter how many times I clean it, picking up a seemingly endless amount of black grime. Weird. Might be time to break out the carburetor cleaner next. :lol:

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