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Ebay gripe


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I'm perusing ebay for bits and bobs to boost my collection. Why do some people feel the need to claim everything and anything as "rare"? It doesn't matter how many identical Atari products are listed on the same page, what they're selling is allegedly as scarce as rocking horse turds. Do they really think we're that daft?


Sorry, rant over.

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Lol.... yes a few days ago I saw on a local marketplace site a 65XE marked as RARE. Well... I have over 25 65XE's here in my place. Ah probably that's why all others are rare, the rest is stored here in my house ;)

One seller is advertising an 800 and a 410. The tape unit doesn't work and he can't say if the computer does either. This rarity is a snip at £500. :lolblue:

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Non working rare stuff, even better, personally if he cannot answer if it works or not he should be labelling it in bold letters as possible not working or being honest and saying its most likely dead.


Some folks sail very close to fraud on there..But in the end the power is with the buyer, if you are not sure then don't buy, if the seller cannot give a difinitive answer then tell him or walk away. Read the advert a few times in case there's word play going on and as said check around for pricing, sellers will almost always rate the item as someonething more than it is in the hope of better cash, does not mean its the truth.

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Ebay is a funny place. While some incredibly common items are often listed up as "rare", there are some items that are actually rare that SEEM to be common if you search for them on Ebay. For all the complaints I have for Ebay, it is still one of the best places to find things you wouldn't normally come across "in the wild".

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Ebay is getting a reputation like Craigslist, filled with scammers..


Its ok if you get to know a dealer who is getting a consistent 100% rating or close but often you will see a new face pop up with something that looks good, do you trust this person the otherside of the world to honour the deal or do you steer clear, its not always an easy choice..

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Ebay is getting a reputation like Craigslist, filled with scammers..


Its ok if you get to know a dealer who is getting a consistent 100% rating or close but often you will see a new face pop up with something that looks good, do you trust this person the otherside of the world to honour the deal or do you steer clear, its not always an easy choice..

That's why I always pay with PayPal. At least you can get your money back if the seller tries to fleece you.

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You know what burns my backside on ebay (apart from everything being RARE)? When someone picks up a box full of stuff at a yard sale for $5, breaks everything apart and tries to squeeze the daylight out of people.


OK, I can see parting out a system. I wouldn't want to have to bid $50 on a box full of stuff and pay nearly that to ship it, when all I need is the 1050 drive, or something to that effect. But some of these guys will sell an old computer "as is due to age" and sell the PSU separately in another auction as "unknown condition". Sometimes they'll even sell the case housing, motherboard, keyboard and screws separately. Ugh!


Rant concluded. Thanks!



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ebay is a shark tank..... automatic bid sniping software that helps 'Collector Stores' hike up the prices on other peoples auction..... constantly not paying .... then you have to re list playing this charade over and over till they get it from you for their store for cheap or someone just gives up and buys it for the rediculous price...

I already gave partial refund for the difference back to someone just keep the collector store jerks out and let real person who would enjoy it have it.... if the feedback is less than 50 block em! if all their feedback is to the same 4 guys block em! check this out


I know I told you these were rare and I ran out but good news I just found a limited quantity of them again and for just 10 20 dollare more you can have ... rinse repeat at yearly or bi-yearly intervals...


and on and on it goes, now we see it's $500 for that stale dorito since I am selling that kind of stale dorito too and ebays price guide shows joe shark sells that dorito for 500 I should sell my stale dorito for $450.00 ? and many do just that....


for fun just check some of this out



restrict a bid


VERO wtf!!


Deadbeat Battles



No point in buying much of anything off ebay any more..... truth...

and remember that broken jaguar is worth $900.00 lmfao rofl holds spleen..... bleeds out...

Edited by _The Doctor__
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