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Help me fix my wifes laptop- It went pop. Toshiba.


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So I turned my wifes laptop on a little while ago. It loaded windows and then I heard what sounded like a slight pop sound. Just one and everythig died. It was not a loud pop, more of like a fizz pop, if that makes sense.


My first step is getting this damn case off. I removed all screws that look needed. The case does not seem to want to come off. Does the hd need to come out?


This is kind of out of my normal. I build my pc's but have yet to mess with any laptop. I can solder a bit so I should be able to swap a cap or something if that is the problem.


Thanks in advance.




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Ok I popped the hd out and alos noticed a screw in that corner that I missed. I also popped out the cd drive and found 2 screws under that in the metal frame underneath. It still feels like it is catching on something on that side though kind of in the middle. I don't think any of those stickers have screws under them though?


I'll check that site out Rex, thanks.

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Wow what a Pain in the ass. I had no idea keyboard would have to come off. Anyhow using that guide I got the KB off.


So this is where I would like some assistance on what to test. Any ideas what part could have made the pop? I will likely have to remove the board and flip it over next unless someone thinks the problem lies elsewhere.


Right now I have to feed a little guy bbl.

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Without schematics or the voice of an expert whom has worked on this specific model and all that, you might to begin with a visual inspection. And using a magnifying glass is not out of the question. Look for smoked areas, cracked parts, things like that. If you post detailed pics of the power supply areas we can help you on the visual inspection.


Be prepared to spend some time. Be prepared to replace more than one part. Power issues can sometimes cascade from one part to the next. When you've had enough frustration consider a replacement motherboard or new laptop. They're all throwaway items.


I recall, one day, I turned on old betsy, and a spark shot out from under the CPU. Post-mortem I found later that bad caps had "destabilized" the voltage regulators, this in turn blew up the CPU. While the CPU was being burned out, it connected the Super I/O chip and northbridge together somehow. A few traces on the mainboard told me so. And the northbridge did something to weaken the graphics card, for it exhibited bad memory thereafter.


I had to replace a total of something like 17 parts and rewire several traces to get it running again. That was when I was into building and fixing these things. Today I'd just dump it roadside or something.

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I think I might just get another laptop and swap the hd's so I can at least get the data off the hd for my wife and call it a day.


Absolutely! :thumbsup: That is the best choice. Portable electronics are disposable. I only repair them in rare circumstances like if they have extraordinary sentimental value or their function cannot be duplicated. You can get one of them IDE/SATA - to - USB cable adapters for like $10.00 and copy the files by using side-by-side Windows' Explorer windows. Know what I'm talking about?


When I get rid of my old electronics I just throw them curbside or roadside. Those old 486 tower cases make great hotels for bugs and other little critters!


So much for recycling and environmentalism. I don't bother because it all ends up here sooner or later -- https://www.google.com/search?q=e-waste&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=w7XdUoTXNsbgyQHl8YGIBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=623


Just look at all that shit!


The joystick my gramma used to play Doom with is in one of those pictures, you win an internetz if you can find it.

Edited by Keatah
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Yeah I'm not sure my wife really has too much stuff she needs saved off that hd anyhow. The important stuff she had was pics which I have them already on my pc and most have already been backed-up to cd's. I'll have to ask her what all she needed. This laptop is like 6-7 years old I guess. Plus it would only work if it was plugged in anyhow.


She'll be ok she still has the kindle fire to use for now. :)

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Well I feel like an idiot. I guess twin babies, working, and lack of sleep has semi made me dumb. I was just laying in bed trying to catch a few hrs before work tonight and was going over the laptop in my head. I'm more of a desktop person. Then I got to thinking if this was my desktop that this happened to I would have diagnosed this problem much differently.


Then I thought wait a second it should be basically the same process. So I said the first thing I would do if my desktop stopped working and had no lights or anything was check the damn power. So I got up and pushed the chords together on the power supply (it's same set-up as a slim ps2) and no shit the SOB came on.


I guess the fizzing pop I heard was just the power shutting off on the laptop abruptly. On a positive note I took the entire thing apart and even popped out the board and put it back together and it still works.

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