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Pixel-Art wanted for PRO(C) ATARI Title...


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Hi there,


I am still searching for a nice Pixel-Art for the cover of the printed german Atari magazine PRO© ATARI. Anyone interested? Please drop me PM, it musn't a new art, a nice one from your catalouge would be fine and cool.


We do german version approx 450 units.

An english version is planned as soon as I can find some help in this issue (like two Atari maniacs, one who translates to english and one living in UK or USA to correct)


The magazine is in german A5 size and planned for the moment are 32 pages...


Themes are e.g. AtariAge Highscore Club, ABBUC Bundesliga, some interviews and reviews to Homebrew Games and some looks onto classics... I think it will be a nice mixture in old school styled print magazine like we had in the 90ies...


Waiting for your response...


All the best


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