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X Box steering for Atari


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I have a project in mind, which is to use a better size steering wheel for Atari games. Now I have picked up a cheap condition unknown status wheel, and I want to couple it to a steering control. These produce a pulse output, and will turn 360 deg. If I rubber couple it I should have better feel, and better response. Now the next thought I had was as some games use the Joystick, I want to make a Cam from a cutting board ( soft plastic, will have a smooth feel with a roller tip micro-switch ) to go on the steering shaft. With some Micro switch's it will give the same input to the Atari as a Joystick, and I can use the gear lever ? as a throttle. This means I can run all driving games from the one steering setup with both out-puts available for the different games. I havnt pulled the steering control apart yet, but I hope I can leave the outside looking original.


If I make a set-up like this based on a 2600, I will fit a lever over the cartridge, so when you change games it will power off. The X box wheel feels like a reasonable quality item, and there will be plenty about for future use. Thoughts and opinions please ?


Regards Chris

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