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What aftermarket floppy drives were made for the 8-bit?


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Hello Stephen ,


I need an help or guide me to find the right software either .atr or .xex or even .exe that can detected if my Indus GT actually have CP/M Card installed inside the black metal case. SO that I don't have to force to open the tough case. I know it is very tight and not very easy to put the case back !

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Start by reading all of this info http://trub.atari8.info/index.php?ref=sramcharger_en


There is a link at the bottom to a tool which will test the RAMCharger.


I have attached the ATRs required to get CP/M running on the Indus, but you will have to create actual floppy discs with these. Also, the CP/M disc you create on floppy needs to be "repaired" with a utility that I believe trub wrote - this fixes the 1st 3 sectors on the disc.



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