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What was the other big TI-99/4A catalog?


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Triton and Tex-Comp were the two biggest TI catalogs, to my knowledge. Each one released a quarterly catalog for several years.


Triton later became TM Direct, went black and white, and eventually released one last catalog after they were purchased by Activision.


I discovered Tenex when I found it at a bookstore in a mall in the late 80's, but they only released a few catalogs after I got the first one before folding.


I'm not sure what happened with Tex-Comp, I stopped getting their catalogs at some point in the early 90's... I believe the company warehouse was bought by a fellow who used to hang out on the TI-99/4a Yahoo group.



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I have a bunch of Triton and Tenex Computer Express catalogs in storage. Also a couple of Grapevine Group. They are not in any useful quality, but I come across them every so often when digging around. They make for good distraction from the task at hand.

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Willsy's mention of Parco brought back a lot of memories right now.


Living in South Africa limited my "experience" with the Texy. I had to rely on some digging in order to get software etc for the TI. In SA there were two sources available, Compute Magazine, and a magazine of which the name evades me now.


So after seeing an ad in one of the mags, I sent out a letter to Parco, and Voila, a month later, their catalogue arrived.


Years later, I found a supplier in SA with their own catalogue.


O and after typing in the program listings from the magazines, and saving it, I cut out advertisements about the TI and pasted them in a book (which I still have)

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