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Font used in old Atari manuals?

Smokeless Joe

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Does anyone know what font is used in the old Atari manuals? The Star Raiders manual gives a good example of it, but the Invitation to Programming series probably uses it more completely.


I tried identifont.com and it suggested either "Zapf Humanist 601" or "Optima Nova", both of which look pretty close.


I'm trying to write some supplementary information I can stick in my old manuals and I'd like it to look the same. Yeah, that's kinda picky, but so is using a 30+ year old computer.






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Aw, shucks, I saw someone reply but they deleted it. Made me look!


After a little experimenting, it looks like Optima, which came with my iMac as far as I can tell, it just about as close as I could hope for.


On the left is a screenshot from a scanned Invitation to Programming 2 manual. On the right is my own attempt to copy it using Apache OpenOffice with the Optima font, 9 point, bold. When I print them both out, stack them and hold them up to the light, the crossover is pretty good. Not perfect, but as Voltaire said, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."



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