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The Bentley Witch Project


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I would like to thank PacManPlus, Synthpopalooza, PAC-MAN-RED, CPUWIZ, and anyone else responsible for this:




Level 5 Round 2, playing on/off throughout the evening-night. I would like to say I kept everything "stock", but had to go to the Proline controller mod by Yurkie after the 15-20 continues on Level 4 Round 6.


Still had my butt handed to me many more times after that, especially by the Witch on 4-8; but with a lot less pain to my hands.


I have to remind myself I have work in the morning, a wife waiting for my arrival to bed, and kids. Pretty essential in holding down a job and telling myself I am not allowed to pull an all-nighter with Bentley.


Within this week the loaner will be tested on all my systems. Needless to say it is rock solid on my current 'main' (Yurkie-mod) console; including being paused for at least a good 90 minutes and resumed without issue. Bentley Bear software and Versaboard cart hardware performing at wonderfully...not that I was expecting anything less.


Think I will let this baby sit paused all night and see how it goes...I do need to get sleep...Up at 4:30 AM...It's 11:24 PM now...LOL.



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This is what the title music is based on:



"The Teddy Bears Picnic" first performed in 1932 by Henry Hall ...


The lyrics are still under copyright, but fortunately the melody, composed in 1912, is in the public domain. And since we aren't using the lyrics in the game ... we're good. :)


Glad everyone liked the music. This was my first serious messing around with POKEY music since near the 1980's, when I did a 40-level Atari BASIC game for the 8-bit platform, called Sky Scraper.

Edited by Synthpopalooza
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Just wanted to share with everyone that CPUWIZ's Versaboard tested rock solid reliable and 100% compatible with my half dozen systems tested. I have a pretty decent sample set and it work perfectly on every system I own including one with a composite and Euro BIOS mod (Containing Asteroids).


For the record the systems I tested include serial numbers:


AT84 56253
A1 74 5876442
A1 88 5425515
A3 89 5158935
A3 8C 5214226
X 201 028792


The game stayed paused for over 16 hours straight and resumed without a hitch as well.


Not surprising, but fantastic to have such results and confirmation. :)


*Thank You*, CPUWIZ!

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