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Finally got an Intellivision


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Dang it, smrty pents! icon_dunce.gif


lol, now I gotta rip my intellivision apart to check on the 33ohm resistor. I used a 1/4W one there icon_surprised.gif Mind you, it would get hot if it was putting that much current through, wouldn't it?


So, you fed 5v into the video input feed to the av mod circuit? I'll update my original post with this info


Yeah, it would get quite hot dissipating that much power. Like I said, there might be something else limiting the current that I don't know about, so it may be perfectly safe (I just didn't want to chance it).


I fed the 5V output of the regulator through a 470-Ohm resistor (I didn't have a potentiometer to try different values, but 470 Ohms looks good enough, to me) and to the video input of the mod circuit. I'm using the same regulator to feed power to the 2N3904 circuit as well, by the way.

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Alright, I gave the video mod its own 78L05 rather than tapping 5V straight from the board and now the picture is rock-solid! There is some very, very minor ghosting, but the 'shimmering' I mentioned in my last post is completely gone. It's certainly at least as good a picture as the RF was when hooked straight to my CRT set.


The way I've got this set up would make an interesting case for a drop-in replacement for the RF modulator. It doesn't use any connection points on the board that the original RF modulator didn't use, and for the output jack I just used a 3.5mm stereo headphone jack mounted where the RCA jack used to be so that the case doesn't need modification. I just need to use a headphone to RCA breakout cable to the TV. If I use an audio cable, I get audio on the white plug and video on the red plug, but it also works with the video out cable from my digital camera, with video on the yellow plug and audio on the black plug.


jmetal88, can you describe the changes you made in regards to this diagram from Solarfox's tutorial? I'm assuming all the differences are in that top part.



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Seems reasonable but a little excessive to add another voltage regulator. It's possible the +5V you previously tapped from the board wasn't the ideal place to do it and had a pulse/ripple on the voltage that caused the shimmer. If you have an oscilloscope (I don't have one, but I'm started to think about getting one, they're invaluable for this kind of thing), you should be able to find a clean +5V on the board nearer the power ribbon.


- J

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Seems reasonable but a little excessive to add another voltage regulator. It's possible the +5V you previously tapped from the board wasn't the ideal place to do it and had a pulse/ripple on the voltage that caused the shimmer. If you have an oscilloscope (I don't have one, but I'm started to think about getting one, they're invaluable for this kind of thing), you should be able to find a clean +5V on the board nearer the power ribbon.


- J


Nah, I like the idea because it means I'm not tapping anywhere that the original RF modulator wasn't tapping. That circuit is effectively a drop-in replacement for the RF modulator. Besides, I have 5V regulators just laying around for some reason, might as well use one of 'em.

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How hot does the 78L05 get?


You might need some additional filter caps around the regulator to really make the voltage stable. That may get rid of the ghosting.


Do you have a 'scope?


- J


Well, the interesting thing is there's ghosting on my video monitor, but not on my TV. There's also ghosting from my Atari ST on my video monitor (it puts out PAL, so I can't test it on my TV). So there may just be something wrong with my video monitor. Anyway, it doesn't bug me too much (and there was a ton more ghosting on the RF output than on this video mod). I haven't tried to feel the temperature of the 78L05, I just kind of put it in hoping it would work, and it did.


EDIT: I do have an oscilloscope, but both of my probes are broken right now (that's what I get for buying the cheapest probes I could find off eBay).

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Welp, this post got really hijacked so... going to post a picture of my Intellivision System III icon_surprised.gificon_biggrinwink.gificon_rolling.gif




The original black intv 2 style keypad was flaking apart, so I ordered these original style keypad replacements.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a couple more games today!


Night Stalker with box and one overlay, $3.99.

Space Armada, complete, $1.99.


Got 'em at Vintage Stock at the mall in Joplin. I've been to other Vintage Stock stores before, but this one is probably the largest. Massive selection! They didn't have very many 'rare' games like I've found at smaller stores before, but I guess that's probably because Vintage Stock is more well-known in the area and would probably sell the rare stuff more quickly than the smaller stores.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, this schematic is exactly the way I have mine built (not including the connections to the 3.5mm stereo jack).


If I were to use a 1K trim pot in the place of R1, do I need to put terminal 1 to ground, or just hook terminal 3 towards +12V, and terminal 2 towards Video_In, and leave terminal 1 disconnected?



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If I were to use a 1K trim pot in the place of R1, do I need to put terminal 1 to ground, or just hook terminal 3 towards +12V, and terminal 2 towards Video_In, and leave terminal 1 disconnected?




When I used a trim pot, I left the extra terminal floating.

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  • 2 months later...


If I were to use a 1K trim pot in the place of R1, do I need to put terminal 1 to ground, or just hook terminal 3 towards +12V, and terminal 2 towards Video_In, and leave terminal 1 disconnected?




I missed this post, I guess. Standard practice is to short the wiper terminal to one of the two ends to effectively turn it into a variable resistor. Which end you short to just depends on which direction you want to turn the knob. Feel free to get out a multimeter and experiment!

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  • 1 year later...

Hey Jmetal, is the zener diode "shunt" circuit still required using your schematic? Or did you leave the RF modulator in place?


I just wired it up following your schematic and I'm getting no picture. I'm thinking about trying the shunt circuit from the wiki.


thanks, Matthew

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