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7800 anticipation


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Yes so i got dk and dkjr. As i read here, and now must agree, the sound is horrible! Otherwise fun!


I don't think they're that awful! In fact, these are the first two ports/versions of the two games that I actually bothered to play through and entire round of stages in.

Sure, they could sound better... the arcade originals could sound better... but I think they stand up alright on their own merits.

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I don't think they're that awful! In fact, these are the first two ports/versions of the two games that I actually bothered to play through and entire round of stages in.

Sure, they could sound better... the arcade originals could sound better... but I think they stand up alright on their own merits.

5200/A8 versions definitely sound better. Pokey!

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Yeah but the 5200/a8 versions still blow compared to perrys 7800 pokey version with enhanced graphics and all levels.. In fact is it the best 8bit dk version ever??

But straight out dk, dk jr. 7800 stock versions are great games. I like the shocker level on dk jr. I never seen that till I played the 7800 version. I only played dk jr CV. I also like the raunchy sounding dk jr. Unlocking kong level!!! Wild!!

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I find the sound Mario makes when he climbs to be the most annoying in DK. Other than that, i find the game quite enjoyable. It is such a shame Atari sacrificed decent sound in favor of saving $$$$$. Atari was good at messing up things like that almost as good as they were at suing. :lolblue:

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