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Decyphering 7800 Serial # Codes

Curt Vendel

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I've been asked numerous times what the code of Atari 7800 serial #'s means, here is the answer:




Appropriate label must be attached to each unit per

Atari packaging engineering specifications. The label

includes, but is not limited to, information pertaining to:

Atari model designation

Atari patent designations (if applicable)

Atari product serialization

Country of origin

FCC and other regulatory agency compliance ID and


Date code, lot code and vendor code ID

All products except power adaptors will be marked with

FCC site code, product code, serial number and date as shown



: : : :

: : : Unit Code, identifies within

: : : a day of manufacture.

: : Date, first digit is the year, other

: : three digits are Julian date within

: : year.

: Product Identification Code, identifies

: product by model, name and number.

Manufacturing Site Code, tells at which

facility product was made.

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