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PC GFX Viewer util that does Atari formats as well.


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RECOIL 3.0.0 (2014-02-26)


RECOIL is a continuation of the First Atari Image Library (FAIL) project. In addition to the Atari 8-bit/Portfolio/ST/Falcon formats, RECOIL decodes Amiga, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum files.


Other changes from FAIL 2.0.2:


• New ports: Android, Paint.NET plugin.


• New Atari 8-bit formats: BGP, DGI, LEO, LUM, SIF.


• The default Atari 8-bit palette is now Altirra’s PAL.


• The XnView plugin is now a single file and requires XnView 2.11 or newer.


This is an update to a previous PC Atari Graphics Viewer. Thanks for the update.

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Thanks to share that.

Yes I already know about that but needed to try it.


As you all know I'm more into games so G2F is enough for me to build the charsets and PMGs.

I really like to use my head and beeing me to choose what colours PFs, what PMGs,...

Even in the less loading pics that I did I really like my freedom than having a program to do it all.

I'm sure I always get nicer results beeing me :) !...


You may think that I am or can call me "Masochist" but its my way.

But thanks again, maybe one day I will be stuck with a pic and have to use it.

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